Buff the FG42 II and AVT-40

So the sam rifle on BR I-III will do 14 damage and on BR III-V 24 damage?
Because otherwise you are just damaging low BR balance.

Personally I’d take away SF rifles with rifle round and give ARs with intermediate rounds. Then remove vitality perk and voila, balnce.
BA: OHK, low rpm
SA: good damage, higher rpm
AR: lowest damage, highest rpm
No vitality = above is true for all BRs
:arrow_up: Balancing weapons in games 101

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Then only buff BR IV-V rifles.

Yes, thats what I asked

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So ppl who go to the high BR without full BR4-5 gear get slapped even more?
I’m sure playing BR3 vs BR4-5 will be even more enjoyable.

that’s why i asked for armor
BA rifle punch through armor like paper
SA like wet cardboard
SF like cardboard
AR like basal wood
you can still have full damage if you hit exposed areas but the head and center of mass would make each rifle what it should be good in some uses bad in others,
or maybe a range armor fall off that is the heavier the range the slower armor penetration drop off is over range

ba no range drop off for AP

So you want semi-automatic rifles to keep getting slapped around with select fire rifles?

No. But I want to solve the issue instead of moving it down the tech tree.

buff SA?

Then SA will make BA instantly obsolete. You are just take issue you have and give it to someone else.
This is not a solution, this is escaping from problems.

I fail to see why FS making SA obsolete is an issue but SA making BA obsolete is ok. It’s exactly the same scenario.
“Then just buff BA” How? Auto aim?

nah you dont understand. this is weapon that kills through pleasure…

btw apparently cod vanguard did m1 with drum…


Hello guys, I run a forum and brought you some arguments on this topic.

Yes, fg is strong, but why can’t we give it automatic fire, which everyone now has?
Also note that the stg and fg are not tactical reloaders and they have a bug in which, when fully reloaded, a cartridge remains in the chamber
here is video evidence:


It’s not a bug.
If a weapon fires from closed bolt (bolt is in forward position before you pull the trigger), one round will be left in the chamber when you do a tactical reload.

Interestingly FG42 fires from closed bolt in semi auto and from open bolt in full auto. So theoretically, yes it’s a bug in this very special case but I guess it’s mostly a technical limitation of the game.


not a bug.

You are confusing stg44 with MKb 42(h)

I was about to say “eh it’s spaaam”…

Then I read and saw the demands are in truth, reasonable…


Even in the description of the mp 43/1 in the game it is written that it fires from a closed bolt, I don’t think that it is different from the stg44

On the video it fires from the closed bolt, just like I wrote.
So what is the issue?


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No problem.

BA / Automatics are rather well balanced in BR1-2, obvious solution is to lock br1-2.

I wouldnt mind SA’s getting buff quite logical progress BA → SA → Auto rifle.
And generally, buff for SA would ease the road for BR3 players in higher lobbies.

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