Buff or make some changes to rifleman class that it would be more "unique"

Buff or make some changes to rifleman class that it would be more “unique”. Current state rifleman class is kinda “boring”. Make some changes/buff so there would be more sense to pick up rifleman class/choose. Maybe add something unique that rifleman class can only carry? :thinking:


A small ammo box or similar might be a good idea.
Ammo Cans - Suggestions - Enlisted


On one hand: Riflemen work perfectly as the name suggests, Basic inf with rifles.

On the other: Even in other games with “Rifleman/inf” they tend to have unique skills.

In general having rifle men have their own special skill would be neat.


Grenade launchers?


They have them but everyone thinks they’re toxic.

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Alright here’s my idea to make riflemen special:
In riflemen squads, riflemen will still be normal.

But in specialist squads it will be different.
For example, in a machine gun squad, riflemen within 10 feet buff dispersion of Machine gunners by 10%. This is to mimic the assistant gunners
In a sniper squad, riflemen within 10 feet buff the reaction time of snipers. This mimics the spotters that snipers usually have with them. and so on


They already get braindead nade launchers that should be deleted from the game.

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Riflemen could already use 'nade launchers, which is one of the most powerful tools in the game. And if that’s not enough, riflemen II has passive that could make them the fastest sprinter in the game, while riflemen III can be perked up to be able to revive themselves within 0.8 second after being downed.

Why would they need any buff? They’re already powerful the way they are right now, if you know how to use them.

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That’s why they have grenade rifles

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The problem is that their bugs are too serious now

Rifle nades. Yes AT Men can carry them too now, but rifle nades

This would make rifleman more useful in those squads ngl.

Maybe with a bino they give a sightly bigger buff too?



Anyone who can’t figure out that it only kills one dude half the time think they’re toxic. I remember when they were really powerful and used them back then too, they’re not toxic nor really a problem.

This isn’t a MMO or RTS, random buffs and auras feel very weird in a shooter game.

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It is an MMO though

As in World of Warcraft, obviously.

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