Buff bazooka m1 and m9

Bazookas need an armor penetration buff to their historic 90mm on the Bazooka m1 and 120 mm on the Bazooka m9. Thus, they can better compete with their German counterparts. At the moment the m1 bazooka has only 60 mm armor penetration, the current armor penetration of the m9 bazooka is only 102 mm.


I cant remember that the M1 had that value.

Well, the Internet sources say so.

Information from English sites: Bazooka M1 M9 - Modern Firearms

Information from Russian sites: Гранатомет М1 / M1A1 Bazooka (США) - описание, характеристики, фото и прочая информация

The M1 was already replaced in 1942/43 and was only used with the M6 rocket for most of the time/ used different rockets than the M9 and M9A1, even the M1A1.

The M1 could never penetrate a Tiger without luck during its main service time, which was one of the main reasons, why they developed better rockets and launchers.

But it can still penetrate 90 mm. That is quite enough to destroy a tiger in the side.

“The first successful use of the M1 hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers (rocket launchers) took place in Tunisia in the spring of 1943. This ammunition had an armor piercing ability of 90mm and at first was used to defeat German tanks (40-60mm thick frontal armor) and ACP (about 90mm thick frontal armor) of all types at ranges up to 200m. A large dispersion of rocket propelled grenades had a negative impact on the weapon, which significantly reduced the maximum range of effective fire. However, this drawback was considered acceptable.”

I did not find a 120mm M9 in your sources. Could you copy it here?

This discussion is moot rn, armor is literally broken at this moment.
A13 Mk2’s just void perfectly perpendicular GrB side shots. KV-1 survives DIRECT IMPACT 250kg bomb, I’ve had T-34’s drive out of 500kg craters with yellow tracks. M13 can survive a detpack literally thrown into the cabin. Half the time detpacks barely do anything, even when they get thrown directly onto engine deck


The only information I found was this.


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And in the future Americans will have to fight the Royal Tigers, who, to put it mildly, won’t care about bazookas at their current armor penetration.

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You already won me over by admitting it. But then nothing changes. M1 could be buffed, but in the current system you use it until you develop M9. There are so many levels not among them. And we don’t know where they are in the new system. Maybe the 60mm is enough if, for example, you only have early pz3 and pz4 at your own level.
Overall, however, you are right, the anti-tank capacity of the US infantry is weaker. As for the AT missiles. Unfortunately, this is a historical fact. Because the M9A1 is a 120mm pen, it wouldn’t be a big improvement either. Penetrate the tiger from the front if it is not at an angle yes, but the panther is still problematic. And M20 never used in WW2. In short, I would wait with these kinds of buffs until we know more about the new equipment levels.

But, honestly, I’m not a fan of it being easy to shoot a tank from the front. That’s a matter for another tank, or AT guns. Even so, they are weak, the TNT and Exp pack already encourages tank players to camp in the gray zone, exception of the kv-1 (which is ridiculously made of stalinium and resistant to pretty much everything), the tank can’t even get close to the infantry. I mean, whoever has a mind. I would definitely nerf these in the future. Especially the panzerfaust. It is ridiculous that a soldier carries 5 pieces in addition to his equipment, while one piece weighs 6 kg. And he doesn’t even have a movement penalty, but with the LMG he moves as if he were retired.

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I’m not asking for a strong buff, just for American bazookas to pierce the German zoo into the side. Do it more confidently. Now the point of using a bazooka is lost because the PIAT handles tanks better than the m1. And then another question arises as to why it costs further but worse.

Why does the premium jagdpanzer 4 cost the same gold in berlin as the jagdpanther? Enlisted anomalies. There are a million other anomalies. I have already written about this a few times, mainly in connection with the fact that these have nothing to do with their mystical “asymmetric balance”. These are just bullshit.
We have to wait for the new system and think about it. Maybe they will think of it on their own, as you are suggesting here. Believe me, they won’t buff anything in the next 1 month. No matter how useless it is…

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You may be right. Maybe after the rework they will reconsider all this.

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So there are 3 major things you need to keep in mind when it comes to this:

  1. When they introduce the merge, you won’t have the issue of bringing an M1 bazooka against things like Tigers. They will be in a different tier.

  2. Hitting tanks from the front is not your only option. Hitting them from the sides and rear can be pretty effective in a lot of situations. In addition, if you can get ABOVE them (which I know can be difficult especially when they camp in the greyzone) you can generally pierce through the top relatively easy. It’s one of the reasons that I actually like the PIAT and Panzerfaust so much.

  3. Dealing with a tank doesn’t always mean outright blowing it up. Disabling it can sometimes work better than trying to get through all that armor. Lands shots on the tracks, barrel, etc. This will force them out of the tank and easier to kill. In addition, sometimes when you take out a track, people will rotate and give you access to a side with less armor.

This is not always the case if matching takes time.
If there are not enough players to play with, matching will be done without regard to rate, so sometimes you will face Tiger on M1.
I think a lot of people misunderstand that BR is not an absolute rule. Unless I missed something, I think keofox explained it that way.