Buff AI

Please improve the AI because it has a worse response than the bots in battlefield 1942…


Their reaction time is horrible :face_vomiting:


if they buff it WE will complain too :pensive:

I don’t know, the bots in 2042 for example are well balanced or an old title like Team fortress 2

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I often manage to kill 2 squads of bots defending a point to take over, with melee, because in most cases they stand and stare in my direction or don’t react at all.

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we experienced in the past how good they could be
if they are in this state now is because of needed nerfs

I’ll repeat myself again, why are the bots well balanced in the aforementioned games and not here? As it stands, they only serve as a spare on the main respawn or shooting dummies for the enemy. Who says to strengthen them to be too op? It’s called balancing.


what i can say is that they already tried
maybe next try :upside_down_face:

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and so 60% of the teams are bots in most battles, so who is to cry? the few who play it?


welcome to enlisted :pensive:
wait for the merge

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btw how they will convwert my orders and progression in weapons etc? Is there FAQ about this or dev blog?

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I’ll keep this answer as simple as possible. The devs have already stated that the AI will continued to be improved overtime here and there as time moves on. I understand that’s not exactly a great answer because even I want the bots to do cool things myself which requires a bunch of super heavy focus on them from the devs. You know, to fix them up.

With that being said though… There are players out there who are losing to the bots and have complained that the bots themselves are cheaters/hackers. Not many of them mind you… but definitely just enough of them where it does play into that, er… misconception for a lack of better words here.

So I don’t know how one would improve the bots if they are already good enough for a not so small portion of players to call them cheaters? But if you can figure that answer out then hey more power to ya!



Bots need cover system and better pathfinding not necceserily better accuracy.
Players want to be more active than bots ?
Good, no one says otherwise but they are dying like flies in every match


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I don’t think they have ever seen typical aimbot bots with their eyes (cs 1.6 on the hardest difficulty level of the bot settings)

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Some time ago I had an idea (I can’t find it now) that AI should have accuracy dependent on your average K/D as infantry from the last x matches.
So if you are a noob, AI will shoot a lot and miss a lot.
If you are a great player, AI will shoot a lot and will try to actually kill you.

Note that AI needs to shoot a lot. Otherwise nothing will change and all ppl will notice is AI sniping them out of nowhere. Also this “fluid accuracy” applies only vs players, not against other AIs.
Of course there are some quirks like making sure AI doesn’t shoot you through 10 bushes, not making it too strong on top level etc.

I have no clue if this is doable but it may work.

Also AI needs to take more cover. If it’s already being worked on, double it. There is never enough cover.

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Only here we are talking about reaction time, not the divine accuracy they would have.

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I thought about something like this, if you’re noob your AI will kill more to make up the difference.

I think matches would become more balanced this way.

If you’re skilled player - that’s great, you gonna kill a lot,

if you’re noob - that’s great, you’re not going to be a burden to your team and you’ll score somewhat decent still.

I hate the “muh skill” people, enlisted isn’t skilled game, it’s casual game and everybody should have equal chances to have fun and good aim shouldn’t be the main factor here.

strategies would come into play more too.


I don’t think it would be enough to make a difference.
I assume that AI will have increased lethality only vs good players (but not their AIs) so it won’t drastically increase it’s overall performance. AI won’t play the game for the player.

What it may do is to help the weak player fight good players and “protect” them. In a sense that the good player won’t be able to mow through noob’s whole squad like if they were cardboard dummies.

Good players have a mild chellenge, bad players don’t have much challenge and are aided when facing better players.
Everybody wins

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we should allow hacks
it is the same as good AI