Good day fellow enlisted enjoyers !
I have a question regarding the gold order BSA Thompson. Thanks to the paratrooper event I am getting more and more gold weapon orders (As of now 2, with a third one to be acquired in the event). As I mostly play US/UK, I wanted to invest in some gold weapons and so far I already have T20, WAR and Farquhar hill. All of them being quite good, but all of them being BR III-V. Given the current state of the top BR gameplay, I would rather invest on some BR II weapons.
This leads to the BSA Thompson as one of the only weapon worth buying for the US. The De Lisle carbine is know to be garbage and the M3 suppressed is… well a grease gun with a useless gimmick. Thus I wanted to have feedback about the BSA Thompson as I might some of them in the future.
Imo this one seems to be a mix between the Thompson M1928A1 (rof, .45 ACP) and the Thompson 30. cal (sight, ammo count), two weapons that I like quite a lot.
So if people are willing to share their impressions about this weapons, I would be glad to read your feedbacks !
Sorry, can ignore this as its not about the BSA
But I really rate the suppressed weapons (and I like the grease gun). They draw less aggro from AI 
you can really go to town with them. pew pew
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The BSA Tommy gun has only 20 rounds in a mag, so it’s not worth it imho
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I know that don’t worry ! But now that everyone is a player (well not really, but there are not so much bot account) due to the merge, I think that this gimmicck is… meh
As for the grease gun, yeah it’s a great gun at BR 2. I used to hate it when grinding Normandy allies, but that was because I had to face MP40 and STG with it… but now I find it to be a good pick for BR2.
Damn that’s harsh ! I think that it could be ok at BR 2 though, but thanks for the feedback !
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The USMC Tommy at BR 2 is only 20 rounds but I really like that one. So depending on how the BSA handles it could be similar.
Yes ! I was hesitant on buying that one on the next possible sales, but I think it was removed (not sure though)
I check the enlisted resource document and it seems that BSA Thompson behave similarly to USMC Thompson and even have slightly less dispersion.
well if thats the case its could be good. The USMC version has a faster reload which really helps it along with its 20 round problem.
but you know, personal taste and what not…Im of a minority that doesnt mind mp 28s and other weapons with 20 rounds.
Theres a custom game map you can grab to try out all weapons. I always use it before buying something I am not sure about.
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Depends on your tastes, I guess. If you really like the tommy gun then yeah, it could be worth it to get one at an earlier rank. Personally I just really dislike the low magazine capacity.
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I have heard about it, I should try it.
I don’t really mind low ammo capacity most of the time. Sure having 50 rounds drum is nice, but after using the Thompson .30 cal I concluded that it was not so much of a problem, particularly if everything else in the gun is great.
I might wait a little bit anyway (at least for the potential Christmas sales if I want to grab something nice) and also check what’s available for other factions.
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I crave a sale on golden weapons SO MUCH.
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Yeah this one is… special. Low mag capacity but nothing good to compensate for it given its BR. I guess the dev reaaaally wanted to punish those who spammed them in Tunisia lol. (Even though it was their fault in the first place)
it would be fine if the weapon wasn’t rank 4 for some braindead reason
I would love to use it again…when its back where it belongs!!!
We all know that if it was about the gun only, that squad would be BR II.
Still, I eventually learned to like that little SMG.
Indeed, 20 rounds can be enough if the gun lets you use them all effectively.
To clarify, I prefer using the OG-43 over the 20rds premium Tommy (the one of the now unavailable Pacific squad). The Tommy on paper deals significantly higher DPS, but in practice, due to a good combo of accuracy, recoil, ROF and bullets speed the OG makes it easier both to land hits and to manage ammo.
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I have to come to the defense of this maligned weapon. The m3 suppressed is an excellent choice: with high damage and low rpm among the lowest dispersion and recoil numbers for an smg; it’s one of the most accurate smgs the the allied lineup.
It also makes you much harder to detect by bots, and even a little harder to pinpoint by players. It’s easy to more down an entire squad before anyone notices you’re there. It also comes with a terrible silenced pistol.
I understand that many people are supporting the grease gun, and at BR 2 it’s a great weapon indeed.
But why would I spend my precious gold order on a grease gun with an additionnal gimmick ? Imo if you like the M3, sure, but I would like to get somthing different to what I already can find at BR 2.
Just get a Breda CR rifle and join the short burst club.
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Well I was thinking about it, but BR 5 germany is already too easy and not really enjoyable. The semi-auto event Breda is incredible btw.
IKR? I regret picking one pistol instead of a 4th Breda, and can’t wait for them to become available again.