Broken wings

Haw anyone noticed in the Moscow campaign, sometimes a part of the plane just break without nothing especifically happening to it? Sometimes I’m flying in the BF-109 and one or to wings just turn black-broken before I’ve even got close to the combat terrain. It’s programed to function like this or is a bug?

Probably going too fast with flaps out?

Flaps have speed limits and will rip off if you exceed those limits - like in War Thunder REalistic Battle. The sped limits are probably the same as Wt so are in teh war thunder wiki for that aircraft.


I don’t play Moscow, but what you describe would happen IRL if you either dive beyond the maximum allowed speed for the plane, or turn too hard at high speed exceeding the G limit. Never happened to me in Enlisted so far though.

**jokes aside
If you close to the battle zone (where the actual battle happening) that you sometimes damaged by explosions, or got shot from random bots. Somtimes if an enemy plane drop bombs, the explosion radious kill you or cause serious damage.

(My usual tactic, when enemy fighter chasing me, then I get really close to the ground and drop my bombs. The explosion kills or damage the enemy fighter, im my timing is correct)

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If you past 500 tas the plane rip himself try in pratic mode

You have all the reason guys, thank you :3 the only thing I don’t get it’s what is the difference between having the flaps open or closed

**im not an expert so I answer by my view and experience:
Flaps means “support wings” or “fly modes”
If you get attacked by a fighter, you ( ‘Button 2 and 1’ to switch between them) can activate the Combat flaps mode to make your plane more agile, and your turn speed is better with that.
But if you use it with 110% throttle while you move straight forward (same time your speed is huge) these flaps/wings are broke down…
Theres other modes: Takeoff, landing, etc.Every mode is serves different purposes. But combat mode is my favorite :smiley:

example: You run out of ammo—>heading to replenish ammo---->while you go straight, you have to use “UP” mode (wings disabled), When you turn back, you have to use Combat, and UP after that. I hope i did not say anything stupid…other forumers will fix if i did :smiley:


Close enough :slight_smile:

Flaps increase lift but also increase drag - so they slow you down but do a mix of enable you to fly OK at slow speed (eg landing flaps) or give you more lift to enhance manouverability (combat flaps).

Best advice is don’t use them unless you have an actual need.

Flaps basics for non-experts:

Deploying flaps changes the profile (=shape) of your wing in order to create more lift, at the expense of also creating more drag.

Combat flaps can help you to turn tighter at medium speeds or handle better at low speeds. But they will still slow you down, so retract them as soon as they’re no longer necessary.

Takeoff/landing flaps should be only used in said occasions, as they are useful at low speeds only.

Since flaps create extra drag, they also bring extra stress to the wings structure and their actuator arms. Drag increases exponentially with speed, so forcing your plane into a high speed dive with flaps out will eventually cause them to rip off.

Think about flaps more or less like using the hand brake to help steering a car tighter. Useful in specific circumstances, but not always.