Britain and the Commonwealth in game!

Thats the part i dont get. Why do all that work to split trees just to join them back together in MM

Less work just to do sub nation tech trees IMO

Then “everyone” can build how they want…purist, or mix match

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How would sub nation tech trees work? Haters seem to be against those too.

For one thing its just better and more user friendly splitting trees.

A USA-UK tree with folders everywhere would suck. They are going to have to split them eventually as they add new content over time.

Look how much content for UK there is alone, not even counting the Commonwealth or any other Allied nation.

Not folders. Currently lines are rifles, smgs, heavy, planes and tanks

All it would take is copy paste each line…but one pure USA, one pure Commonwealth

You choose which line/faction you want to advance down

That lets Everyone have their preferences. Purists can choose to do only USA or Commonwealth. Others can do combined force’s/joint operations

Okay so if Im understanding correctly the tree would look something like this?

USA Springfield M1917 Enfield M1 Carbine M1 Garand M1941 Johnson

UK P14 Enfield Ross rifle Lee Enfield Mk III Lee Enfield Mk IV Jungle Carbine

USA M50 Reising Thompson (20 round mag) Thompson M1A1

UK Sten Mk I Sten Mk II Owen gun Lanchester Thompson M1928

Note: Above is simply an example of how the lines would be set out, it is not intended as an example of what weapons to include.

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Yup. Best of both worlds.

You can main as one and spend all research in one nations tree

OR spend research in both

No need for duplicate/shared techs because you can just grab it from other nation


Hmmm. Well unlike the haters Im open minded.

Its a fair suggestion for a compromise.

However Im concerned it would make the tree unnecessarily complicated.

Like my comment is just rifles and SMGs.

Thered be two lines for every single class from machine gunners to flamethrowers and APCs.

Also what about the very rare case of where both sides get something mainly some Thompsons and like a Stuart tank? If they both have one that would be silly. If only one line has it that defeats the purpose since youd still have to grind both.

Maybe unlocking it in one unlocks it for the other? Having double ups, even though it would only be for Stuarts and some Thompsons would still look strange.

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No duplicates. If commonwealth wants a stuart or a “certain thompson” they will have the option to aquire from researching USA line. Saves doubling up

Each line will be much shorter this way.

Okay so American-made weapons are in USA line. Now lets say we had 10 weapons in USA SMG line. The 1928 Thompson might be 6th in the line.

So, would British players be able to just click on the Thompson (6th SMG) and research that without needing to research the 5 preceding it? If so, would American players accept that that they had to grind 5 guns before it?

Im envisaging two horizontal lines and if we continue with this hypothetical theres a down arrow underneath the 6th in line Thompson pointing down at UK. (or an up arrow doesnt matter). That implies it can be accessed by the UK line.

Is that all good?

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You could get complicated doing tree intersections at certain points…but that can get very messy

Personally i would be happy having to do the USA line just to get a Drum thompson if i wanted for my UK. (The line will be alot smaller with no uk weapons in it)

But yeah. Thats “finer details”. I dont mind.

From a base line idea, this is better for “everyone”

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US nation should be subfolder of UK.
Otherwise it’s strange, that’s colony is a main.

Premium Owen squad, premium Sniper P14, premium Boomerang, premium AC tank and event Austen SMG.

Australia fought in Guada (at least they were there in naval presenc and in Tunisia and 3k Aussies fought in the Normandy.

And who says that? You? Yeah Lets make some dude make definitions, that cant even use the quotation function on the forum.

Where? Here? No one except the Emperor (and that wad one gun) suggested anything here in terms of guns. I dont care about other threads and I will not read them, just to not hurt your feelings.
Amd I am not just hating the idea. That is just lazy from you.

And yet we have like 15 US and French guns and a lot of them are crucial like the rocket launcher. Apparently the nation is so sustainable that they would be fucked without foreign rocket launchers, MGs, SA rifles, SA sniper rifles or even premium stuff.

More. Nobody wants to research two/ three Brens with about the same stats, the same Thompsons or the jungle and the normal SMLE twice or the two “different” SFs with a different number.
And a lot can be removed and it wouldnt matter. Do we need the Besal? Do we need French MGs? Do we need the Vesal SMG? Do we need the MCEMs? Do we need the goddamn De Liste? Do we need the BAR? Do we need like four BR5 MGs? Do we need so many SFs? Do we need US launchers… oh wait we need them because otherwise UK cant kill a Tiger 2 even on the side.

And do we need to research the same stuff like 2 times now?

And then adding even more junk filler and copy+paste. Thats the way I guess.

And? I dont care.

Lame “argument”.

Oh yeah, lets put one of the best BR3 LMGs just in BR2 and let US Gunners run around more like Assaulters. Great plan.

Yay more useless WW1 junk they didnt even bother to think of in WW2.
That must be this historical expierence this CW TT is talking about.

Its so sure you couldnt even find one.
Maybe another proto or WW1 junk to complete this historical expierence of playing WW1 in WW2.

ironic-star-wars (1)
Anyway it is nice and all that you dont hate to research for eternity. I learned from this community that some people love to grind because they love to work in their free time.
But me not. And I am pretty sure a lot of other people do.

So answer is we need even more mains?
Yes, because the German, Burger and the Soviet mains are not dumb enough. We need another boo, who is constantly bitching about his SF doing 0.5 less dmg. Or two when Italy is also “independent”. Lovely. Five groups of mains that call the normals trolls and ruin the MM.

So current system makes sense because you research up to two nations in one row, making it more efficient than researching two nations filled with filler junk you wont touch and stuff that is also present in the other TT.

Like those above you didnt even describe as issues?

A) Make squad loadout presets.
B) Sell squads.
C) Allow players to buy squads and select their nationality. Same applies to classes.

How dare I to ignore glorious Captain Beel when I replied to a different post?

So you would excatly do the issue I named?
Is this some self-burn shit?

I dont care. I know it sounds weird but neither do I remember Captain Beels old posts nor do I want to read them.

Weird that this didnt work out with the old campaigns, especially with Tunisia.

I dont know. Maybe that whole “remove British weapons from the US TT” thing, which would deny people from using British weapons for US soldiers and vice versa (well not really vice versa because the UK has like half of US infantry equipment available).

Oh no. Not another HA 2.0 clown. This game is not HA and most people dont care. Stop forcing people to play like you want them in such a limiting way. It is up to everyone if and how HA they want to equip their squads.

Man, you make so many bad assumptions that it makes conspirancy theories look like scientific theories.
Show facts because I am tired of making fun of assumptions.