Hello comrades!
The Maxim MG was iconic for its shield. Unique. Beautiful. Useful. Before the merge, moscow and berlin squads built the Maxim without a shield and the stalingrad ones built a Maxim with a shield. Both variants were available and there was no problem about it, no one complained.
Since the merge, stalingrad engineers got the maxim with shield, replaced with the model without it, meaning they removed the buildable Maxim shield variant from the entire game. It is a shame, since it was was made the machinegun special. So:
Bring back the Maxim MG with its iconic shield!
or at least give the ability back to stalingrad engineers.

Funny enough, they should rework all MG nest…
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Shield will be problem for both gunner and enemy in view/destroying mg
The protection of enemy bullets is literally the meaning behind the shield.
Also i mentioned that there used to be two variants in the game, those who wanted could use the Maxim without the shield.
A little hint for those who say it blocks the view. Just aim to the side and look at the open side of the screen to find enemies.
Personal i don,t like the shield, it makes my sight worse a lot.
but it,s DEV,s game anyway.
ability to toggle it on/off by engineer will be the best solution, make it like 5 sec action when looking at already built fixed maxim. can add more functionality to that for other fixed machine guns too like toggling dshk aa sight, adjusting tripod height, etc.
They can’t even make the M30 Driller shotgun 3rd barrel work and you expect them make toggle features for HMGs and MG? While Bipods doesn’t work either?