Branching Campaign Tree Design


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Yeah, this should give folks flexibility, without forcing them with 1 meta approach - if 1 wants to get into the heat of the action ASAP with minimum respawn time - grab a 3-man squad with SMGs. Fastest delivery of pew-pew-pews. Letā€™s say 15 second respawn time.
Want a more slow-paced, bolt-action, safer engagement range folks? Grab a 5-9 man squad with bolt/semi-auto rifles. 20-25 second respawn.
Specialized folks like engineers/Radio operators/AT gunners/machinegunners? 3-4 men squad is the fastest way to get there (20 seconds), 5-6 at least gives most troops (30 seconds).

At, this would be if we consider respawn time as a limit.
As for score and other limitsā€¦ Weā€™d need to do the math.

I prefere let everyone play and only restrict some thing for gameplay sake withaut make abnormal change

Imo itā€™s the least restrictive system. You can do whatever you want, with a price (time).

You have an assaulter squad. The game encourages you to put 3 assaulters in there, but you can add more. BUT each additional assaulter costs more and more deployment points.

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Point of wiew but i really dont want see battle lost because my team is full of assaulter equipped with stg44 and need 30sec every time to spawn

Imagine the wait at rallypoint

Well, we canā€™t do anything to make people less retarded.

? I donā€™t understand.

Rallypoint have a queque for spawn people if 4 people select a Rallypoint they spawn sequentally in order from the first one wo click on him to the last

Some player wo get the rare 30sec penality for suicide wen they respawn if they select a Rallypoint they lock him for 30sec blocking other player to use it

Ok, thatā€™s retarded. Waiting time shouldnā€™t affect the rally queue.


That is usually the case when there are low amount of rally points built, or they are built very close to each other.
At this point, it may be better to switch to other RP or even the main point.

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It wouldnā€™tā€¦
Take confrontation mode for instance (or even conquest to some extent). Both sides have tickets, yet both sideā€™s players rush like utter madmen. Whatā€™s worse is when a side is subject to tickets and some refuse thinks that suicide bombing on a starter tank is smart.

Howeverā€¦ Itā€™s true that in invasion, one team only having tickets and the other not is strange.

Seems to work however as it looks like the most favoured mode of the community :thinking:

I do not know if a change to this would be a good or a bad move.

The only thing Iā€™m certain about, is that what the op suggests is golden. Itā€™s pure QOL that would benefit everyone, and as such, even the devs.


I personally dislike assaults, especially in Moscow Manor maps - where attacker is forced to hold 2 points to advance.
I do recognise that it has charms of itā€™s own.
Confrontationā€¦ kind of is best, but also worst game mode - it can be the most satisfying, yet it can devolve into a slugfest.
I think we might need annihilation mode - where the goal is to eliminate the opposition, though, I think I may regret this after trying it out for myself.

Woops. My bad, not assault, I meant invasion


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Invasion isā€¦ kind of a ā€˜classicā€™ mode.
Itā€™s weird, but, itā€™s a ā€˜classicā€™.
Some folks tend to be quite traditionalist.

I personally find it neither attractive nor repulsive - the only outstanding issue I could point out with it, is that defenders canā€™t complete daily task of ā€˜capture X pointsā€™ with it.

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Enlisted battle pass is way better than WT. First of all, the premium pass pays for itself, and with 100 gold more. Second, you can progress it much easier -I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to make 1 level per day in WT). Third, premium pass allows you to progress faster.

The only thing that I (and every single Enlisted player) disagree with is removing old BP weapons, vehicles and soldiers from the store.

im hate what wt bt is hard
but i like wt bp rewards

and i think situation where you buy 1 bp = you buy all bp = wrong from developers side

so i thin enlisted must take good bp sides from wt
and not take bad parts of wt bp

Well, thatā€™s bad for them and good for us, so I donā€™t think we should complain about that:)

What do you like in WT rewards that Enlisted lacks?

I mean, for me this particular example is good for us as itā€™s simply free after you buy it once. And DF has way more ways of getting money fro Enlisted than the battle pass. Plus, at least for me, it works that way: I bought the pass, so I have the gold. Then a sale comes, so I buy a squad thatā€™s 50% off, so I have to buy more gold for the next pass. Then the event comes in a moment when I canā€™t finish all the tasks, so I buy some of them, so I have to buy more gold for the next pass. And so on, and so on.

OK, so:

  • Sorry, I didnā€™t get the first point. Did you mean 3D decorators, decals and all the cosmetic stuff?
  • Thatā€™s true, the only BP vehicle that was worth it was the Berlin Panther simply because it had 3D decorators and not just a skin.
    This game is about weapons though, and we get a lot of weird and obscure weapons (some of which are only depicted in Enlisted and no other game).
  • Yeah, that is very nice. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll come at some time though - Enlisted is still a very early open beta.
  • I mean, how often do you get a gold order from the daily log-in though? Iā€™ve got like six soldier orders (totally worthless) and one weapon order (the only type that matters to me).
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agree with you
but i still think cashback cant be more then 100% in bp
and yes if they made new bp with cashback near 90% many peoples will be angry

yes and no - i mean this tanks decorators etc etc i can got only after i unlock it in bp and cant got after bp finished - i mean this pushing / pressing by time [i will try say simple - if i not buy bp if i not finish bp i will never got this ingame things - for me there is a reason for buy and finish bp in other games - our bp give to us only poster]

for me its ok like a weapon for golden orders but sadly they add it ans as normal weapons - this mkb and fiodorov - no one can say why - only just for add more levels(((

few days ago im got free golden for soldier
im got 1 for tanks
2 or 3 for weapon
and few for soldiers [yep most usless]
[we talk about near year logins]

i think i understand you - ofcourse i got much more from bp
and yes game not so old and not so strong like wt
how many years we must wait before they add all good sizes from wt bp and from wt as a game in near same ganre?

for me bp there is pretty easy [thenks god] realy cheap [coast ā€œ- 100 goldā€ or ā€œ+ 100 goldā€ for better understanding ] and sadly pretty empty [im realy need some gold cosmetics for soldiers like soldiers with medicine belts and other godies like hll 3d artist can do - for example]

and like a COMPAIGN TREE i think its need re-DESIGN
and offcourse we there need better gunplay
and any matchmaking