BR4 with the +-1 rule is my new favorite

So many weapons and vehicles didn’t have their place in the game literally for years:

Once I unlocked PPSh-41 in berlin I never touched PPD-34/48, after the merge equipping T-34-85, SVT-40 or Thompson M21/28 made little sense because you’d be thrown to the BR3-5 meatgrinder anyway and it made more sense to take IS-2 1944, AVT and PPSh-41 (never AS or AF though).



Panther was another WW2 star I had not used since the merge, as well as Beretta M38A (40) and Gewehr 43, but now I can use them all together with the new Tiger H1 for a really sweet BR4 setup



I just wish the ±1 worked all the time wthout BS like playing US/Japan BR3 and being sent to BR5.


so you build BR4 setup to go and fight BR5 enemy with high end gear ? is it actually fun then ?

Sometimes you go up against BR3 as well.

So yeah, it is fun to use T-34-85 and SVT-40 in a WW2 game and not always have to fight BR5 with fake and more efficient stuff (as it was before without a chance to get a BR3-4 match).

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Man never simply chose a weapon simply because he preferred it over another, “better,” weapon

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Works well for Germany - Beretta is no STG, but still good enough in the right hands.

Panther can fight IS2 and Pershing well enough.

If you have some gold order semi autos, you can skip G43.

Panzerschreck is BR4, so no tank will withstand you.

that sounds cool, what can i do to create similar setup ? how to create BR3 - 4 battle only ?

so equiping any better tank for axis than panther would put me to BR5 ?

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If you have any infantry weapon or vehicle in your line-up that is at Br 5 then you will play as Br 5.

I will say though, the Panther is an excellent machine for Br 4 and that it is arguably better than the Tiger E in some areas.

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so basically guy here said that there is opportunity to play only to BR 4 right ?

BR4 Soviet lineup is very strong and can easily deal with BR5 Germans, only Tiger II can be annoying.

On other hand, BR4 German lineup is kinda meh. It lacks decent assaulter weapons (I am not saying beretta is that bad, but it is mediocre as it gets) I hope some German BR5 TT assaulter weapons are going to be lowered to BR4.

And tbh, Panther is extremely good. Definitely better than tiger E. Those vehicles should swap BRs with each other.

And lastly, I would nerf all SF rifles. The difference between BR4 semis and BR5 SFs is just huge.


How would you nerf them tho? The only thing I can think of that wouldn’t break them is refucing their dmg to lmg levels, yet I would rather argue it is time to give all full rifle caliber guns - mgs as well - enough damage to guarantee a one hit down, while true low capacity semi autos could as well get even more damage.

Tiger I E has better HE, better HE filler in AP shell, same 100mm effective frontal armour but much more side armour so you can angle it to 140mm effective armour. Better reverse speed.

Panther G is slightly faster and has a tiny bit better penetration at 100m which only effects the Jumbo.

Tiger I E would be an overkill, nothing in BR IV could effectively put up a fight against it but everything except the Jumbo would get obliterated.
Not to mention that Tiger I H1 is already BRIV but at least has a weakspot.

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Just give them some proper recoil that is going to be actually noticeable.