BR3 suggestion

make br3 be matched up against early war and late war based on how much br3 gear player has.


less than 50% br3 gear = most likely early war
more than 50% br3 gear = most likely late war


I mean if there’s already a chance that br3 will fight early war why wouldn’t we make sure that player won’t be at least fully geared up.

I think some people may be clueless about br system, they might equip stuff they just unlocked and be surprised that things gotten bad really quickly, people will end up ranting all over the place which won’t end good for games reputation.

this suggestion might have soften this unpleasant experience.


So KV1 / T34 against pz3’s due to early war ?

No thanks.

Lock br 1-2 entirely.


That’s the divide in our community, history vs balance

And we are getting no balance and no historical accuracy.

Id just go the Power Balance route. Like for like



Meanwhile, playing BR-2, I see:

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the thing is we can’t have 3 different rooms players play at.


considering how sweaty high br is I wouldn’t mind splitting it in half

I dunno about that. I would have started at 3 and prioritized better balance experience first. Then reduced if it was unsustainable.

vicious cycle. If the experience is shitty, players will get less and less. Lowballing first gives you no where else to go.

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i hope devs aren’t clueless about all this,

I hope they didn’t just assume that since WT br is working well then enlisted is going to work too,

because it seems that it doesn’t, everything is too much compressed for too little players.