BR2 British med bomber

So many of us play only common wealth squads so it would be nice to have an attacker plane that fits BR 2


Bristol Blenheim 500kg Payload so you thinking
1 500KG BOMB - 2 250 OR 5 100
Suspended Armament: 8x 40lb

I think they should add the Bombing Run planes as playable vehicles because they are medium bombers, and replace the bombing run with heavy bomber planes. The American BR are A-20 bombers and are a playable

So they can give us the Vickers Wellington because I think that’s the plane British radio squads call in

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Whatever would be more reasonable for BR 2.

Soviets have a few light bombers as well.the Pe series.

I would like the Blenheim aswell.

Currently Im using the New Zealand Dauntless BP skin as my commonthwealth bomber.

Plenty of Commonwealth planes to add though

I also want the ordenance to be on par with BR2 axis planes to keep it fair.

Last thing we need is to give axis players a reason to cry about balance.

Easily achieved. Germany has iconic bombers that could be added as opposites. Ju 88, dornier and he 111 for instance

very similar, Dual engine, single Pilot controlled MG, Turrets, similar payload

Honestly I think its best when adding new stuff, to give everyone their version of it at the same time.

Here is a good reference to what BR2 axis planes loadout looks like.

So yeah, a Blenheim that moves like a cow could have something around same numbers for balance sake.