BR1~3 Best rifles

Since the merge, the days when you had to have a high powered firearm anyway are over.
Now we have the new fun of finding the best gun in the BR we want to play with.
So I would like to know what you all think is your favorite/best rifle.

In addition, I will give my opinion.
I am a US/Soviet faction and play mainly with the BR II, but my favorite bolt action rifle, the Lee Enfield No. 4, is now a BR III, and with it I have a new choice for all bolt actions, as I will have the possibility to face the StG44.
So far, we have concluded that the M1903 Springfield is the best in terms of performance and in terms of economy made when fully upgraded.
However, it is a bit less immersive for the British troops to have, so looking for a good British made rifle for the British preset.
For the Soviets, the Mosin M91 “Dragoon” is a good choice. In my case I have 200 level 3 Mosin M1938 carbine due to the fact that I had bought full access to Stalingrad, but I use that one because the gun looks longer and stronger when it is not a carbine. And I like the Dragoon because it has a slightly faster rate of fire than the Mosin M91/30.

Please feel free to write your opinions.


For Allies I changed to the Ross Rifle, very easy sights, fast rate of fire. really enjoying it

Springfiled USMC is pretty good too.

Germans, I like alot of them, mann lichers, Lebels, Kar98s, vz…anything really

Soviets, I like Mosin carbine and Winchester


couldn’t agree more. Ross rifle is golden :slight_smile:
For soviets, the Winchester is a beast at rank II


I have never used that gun but will give it a try! :grinning:

I am just starting to get that gun together for the US Marines in the Pacific. It costs a lot to fully upgrade, but I like it because I feel it fires slightly faster than the regular Springfield, and I plan to train and equip soldiers with bolt action parks.
I enjoy the time I spend doing this sort of thing.

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yup that would be my rifle for a marine Squad. My whole deck is Commonwealth though so Ross Rifle :smiley:


US m1 carbine
russia is the winchester as it has the same cycle rate as the MANLICKA!


It was the first time I saw someone who loved it.
It is as powerful as a single shot submachine gun (which is HA).
With that gun I click too much and my fingers almost cramp up!

I never used that western frontier gun, is a lever action gun is good?

then you haven’t been on the forums enough then

yes, outright the best soviet bolt action you will get plus works with the revolver for cowboy larping


m1895 mannlicher is good
but so is any kar98k variant (i like the vz.24 despite its slow speed)

marine springfield is good and cheap, but the ross rifle is pretty good too

any mosin is good but i prefer the ones with sight hoods like the 91/30, m38, or m44
diakonov is also t2 which is optimal
and of course the winchester but it has bad sights to me

the most important part of a gun, for me, is the sight picture and quality


I have not yet made a German BR2 preset as I am mainly Allied, but I will refer to it when I make that.
The Kar98k is an iconic gun and I love it, but I never got a chance to use it because I switched to the G43 right away in the legacy version.
I look forward to using it. :grinning:

the kar98k is probably one of my favorite guns in the entire game
the vz24 is a higher damage, slower firing kar98k with no hooded post and its t1

the best part of the merge is getting to use primarily bolt actions all the time

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oh, and, unfortunately, the lebel 1886 squad is no longer available but it is also a joy to play
the berdan II is a hilarious old BP gold order weapon that does like 38 damage a shot. not available anymore though

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For the US : Ross rifle ans USMC springfield are the big winners of low tier. Enfield 1917 is also nice with a sight I like, but the reload is odd.

The soviets have the winchester which is one of the fastest firing “bolt” action rifle.


Not seeing any love for the Italian options here: I love the mod.38 for their extra bullet, fast en block reload, and simple sights and a decent rate of fire, plus a bayonet for close encounters.

I’m not as much a fan of the sights of the m1891 or it’s slow rof, but it’s got all the other benefits of the carcano and the highest damage of any unlockable axis rifle. Both rifles also hold some of the lowest damage drop-off over range.

The sniper variants are also excellent choices for the same reasons: fast reload, extra bullet, good sights, good damage.


i prefeer M1903 USMC, the Ring on sight help a loot

and my soundmod of M1903 sounds more great, so, good sound=good aim=good game :sweat_smile:


Because Canada, ofc.


I run it in BR5.

With BA fire rate perks, etc - it’s a beast. It’s not better than other BR4 and 5 weapons but it can hold it’s own even in CQC if you take care.

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Showing love for the brethren


Sorry, was covered under anything really. But the Italian rifles did deserve to be named because they are up there for best in slot

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For me it most br3 rifle since it decently effective

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