Br system

Can someone please explain the br system to me, is it from highest to lowest, or lowest to highest? Which is better?

Thank you for reading.

Long version:

Shorter version: BR is based on the maximum BR of all weapons/vehicles in your squads, so if you have for example just one BR 5 Gun, then you will fight against other BR 5 players

There are 2 main matchmaking queues:
But there is an additional soft rule (if there are enough players in queue) that makes the matches be BR I/II , BR II/III , BR III/IV & BR IV/V.


So 5 is better than 1 or is it the other way around?

Yeah, BR 5 has much better guns/vehicles than BR 1

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Thank you, this clears up my doubts on the subject and opens up a debate on the capabilities of my teammates. hahahahaha

You can close the matter if you want, once again I appreciate the help.

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Closed as per OP request.