I thought that the BR3 - BR5 range mean that teammates and enemies will be in that range. As the allies, I find myself in games where my team mate is spawning a Grant Tank to face of a Tiger II. Is this just me or is the BR system still broken.
He could be using BR4-5 firearms like the Thompson or M2 Carbine but is stuck with a low BR tank
It’s some idiot using BR I-II equipment in his III-V lineup. Get used to it. They’re everywhere in all factions
Apparently this player base begged for Battle Ratings but don’t even understand how you’re supposed to build proper lineups for said BR’s. They bum rush 2-3 lines and don’t make full set ups
I’m going to use my Duck in BR5 and you are going to like it.
- Be new player.
- Unlock M2A1 carbine in event, equip it on soldier.
- Forget about the gun and go to battle with BR2 equipment.
- Suffer.
Whilst I am annoyed whenever I see such idiots, I do have to admit that it is really hard to max out the latter half of the BR4 and BR5 tech tree.
It’s not the exp needed to unlock the guns, it’s the exp necessary to max out the upgrades and the silver necessary for said upgrades. That’s really hard to accumulate.
Hell, I’m stuck playing BR2 a lot more than I’d like just due to how expensive BR4 and 5 items are.
Wait you guys aren’t still running around with level 1 guns just out of laziness? Lol
Not funny, didn’t laugh
Well it’s what I’ve been doing for forever. Less than half of all my guns used in lineups are upgraded at all