BR matchmaking

Not played for a couple of weeks - did the new BR changes get reversed? I’ve set up a BR3, but its now matching me to 2-5 again?


They are soft rules. It will display that way, however it will place you br2-3 or 3-4 if possible. If there are no players you will be out between 2pmatches 2-3, 3-5

I think the fix they made they reversed because the game quality has turned to shit again. I use to play in 80 or 90% ass kicking’s that rarely went past the first objectives. Then they made changes to the BR ratings, and the ass kicking’s went down some, but at least half my games were now going to at “least” the 3rd objective and several to the end. Now, the ass kicking’s have returned again as I have not played in more then a couple games a day the past week that were remotely competitive. I guess you can say it’s balanced since in the past week, probably playing 15 or 20 games a day I have only increased 4 points in the ranking. I have bitched about DF making BR3 a useless level since when choose to play it, I get dropped in with BR5. Some apparently get dropped in BR2 as I get fried with BR3 flame throwers, but I certainly never get down tiered when I play BR3. But, the “soft rule” screws me quite a bit.

As the ass kicking’s go up, so do desertions. I just ended a game and I counted 6 deserters from my squad. I can’t and don’t blame them, the game play sucks again. The need to fix the match making before they worry about deserters.

But yeah, they call it the “soft rule”, which means more likely then not, your going to be hosed with a limp dick. :rofl:

That’s why, so far anyway, I avoid equipping BR3. I see a fair bit of BR3 stuff on the German side, and I’ve seen a few times the Allies have had some (like I’ve seen a Sherman once or twice) but it’s pretty rare.

So, in my experience if you want to remain in the lower tier, the only way to really do this with any regularity is to avoid equipping BR3 or above.

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With My German or Russian squads, if I choose a BR3 match I get placed in a BR 2-4 bracket, but if I play BR3 with Allies I get placed in BR 2-5 bracket, so I am not sure why the allies seem to have the chance of being dumped in a level 5 match where the Russians and Germans do not. I don’t play Japan so I have no idea what they are put in if they try and play BR3.

I would be fine with my BR3 Allies playing BR4, but I hate having M1 Garands vs. fully auto semi auto’s in level 5, which is why I always say no BR3 should ever have to face a BR5 match, and a BR1 should never face a BR3 match.

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Agreed! Yet, by their design (and the +/- design) that can happen, which is kind of crappy. I mean, it’s not supposed to, and it seems unfair that people who know the least about the game are the most likely to say, put 1 BR2 unit in their setup and then face BR3 foes.