BR I against BR II only?

BR 1 has a chance against BR 2 opponents but not against BR 3, it becomes way too unbalanced imo. BR 1 has nothing that the BR 2 doesn’t have, since they both can end up in the same matches.

I thought about buying BR 1 premium squads but seeing how unbalanced they would be against BR 3, i decided not to.


Devs bring many Guns from BR3 to BR2 in the past, maybe they think it brings balance.
I dont believe N00bs getting any protection against BR3


It needs to change.



such as mp38/40 are obsolete in BR3, they made absolutely no sense in there.


Learn how to fight instead of just complaining
Get your explosive packs and submachine guns
Don’t promote moral correctness and crying

unless its the moschetto squad, the current br1 premiums are terrible

save your money, buy some squad slots or premium time instead, dont waste it on guns that make you sad to use

The MP18 squad wasn’t bad. I liked it, and it was only $5.

the mp18 is one the worst SMGs in the entire game, the 22 horizontal recoil is the highest among any SMG in the german faction and the soldiers dont even have enough perk points to take the -30% horizontal recoil perk

it is a straight 100% downgrade to have 4 MP18s and 1 engineer instead of just taking a normal assaulter squad, giving them mp40s, and taking some extra soldiers too like an AT gunner or radio operator

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K maybe I’m crazy, I like it. I hit a really good number of headshots with it.

Moral correctness? What??? I’m talking about balance. For example the Br 1 anti-tank guns are almost useless against br 3 tanks. Unbalance ruins the experience, this has nothing to do with skills.


Then don’t drive a tank
Even if the 75MM Sherman can’t beat the King Tiger, it still needs to move forward.
If there are no good things, don’t open the garbage.
The so-called war is to use equipment superiority and quantity to crush the opponent.
Instead of shaking hands after fair play
Maybe you should play some Battlefield or Fortnite

learn how to think
Don’t keep holding on to level 1 equipment
Crying after being beaten into a monkey

Buy some useful level 2 or 3 equipment to invest in the future.

The whole point of the BR system is balance. There’s really no reason to use BR1 instead of BR2 since both can participate in the same battles, making it useless.

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The BR system just gives more equipment a chance to be used
Instead of having an automatic rifle and giving up the lever rifle

Balance is just an add-on
While encouraging players to upgrade their equipment, it also prevents monkeys and novices from dying miserably at the hands of P47 and Tiger King, or being cleared by automatic rifles halfway through.
What you should do is learn how to fight and avoid unnecessary waste
Hurry up and upgrade to level 2 to get better equipment to fight against level 3

I guess you have been playing this game for more than 20 days
You should already have level 2 equipment, right?
Even if you are playing in Germany, there should be pumas.
Unless you are dealing with Japan, there is basically no tank that cannot fight against it.

Now you’re reiterating my point. BR system adds balance to the gameplay. For example to give the BR1 AT-Guns atleast a chance, maybe they should be able to atleast penetrate the side or rear armor of the enemy tanks.

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I have max levels on USA and Germany, ofcourse i like to play in low BR battles too because there are more maps available like Tunisia and Moscow.

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They work wonderfully against greyzone camping kv 1

Your statement is based on what? channeling results?

I bought the MP 18 squad cuz it was cheap, and hate it. So it is collecting dust never to be used again, unless I fell like target practice in practice mode, or I have to have X amount of rally points to meet my daily goal in which case I can use it. But, if I were going BR1 vs BR1 only, I could get by with it.