BR and tree swap of Bf 109 G-14 and G-10

The Bf 109 G-14 is BR 5 and placed later in the research tree while the improved, later-produced G-10 is BR 4. There is currently no reason to get and use the G-14, so I suggest they be swapped. The G-10 appeared in service after the G-14 (July 1944) in November 1944 with a newer engine and more streamlined engine cowling.


I see no harm in this. The G 10 is a beast though. Tears up anything it faces. It’s the reason i don’t use any FW except the assault variant. Combat flaps ftw. FW in comparison turns like a flying train.

why it named 14 if it came before the 10???

You’d have to ask the 1940s Germans, but the G-10 was built a stopgap improvement over the G-14 until the K-4 could replace it.

But… my g10 where it is lol :laughing:

It may not be the most popular adjustment, but correcting these oversights is better for balance in the long run; even if it will take more queues to become noticeable.