Br 5 totally dead

I hadn’t played for a while and even longer without playing in br5… today I decided to play a couple of games in br5 after getting bored of br2 and the result was totally disappointing.

It can’t be that in BR5 they are even more useless than in BR2…

This is worse than the last time I stopped playing, I don’t understand, people really don’t have the brains to do anything other than run in a straight line xD

For the blessed love of almighty God, regularize the brs!

It’s like matching masters with irons in lol.

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Yes why can’t my WW2 game feel like WW1 by spending five minutes crawling over the map to the objective only to get killed in one nanosecond after revealing 2 pixels of my soldiers head

Must’ve played Allies

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BR5 is fun as long as you have competent teammates you can really on. So I always recommend people to group up with someone.

As for a solo player, BR5 can be pure hell. Especially if you’re up against a 4 stack.

I’m really looking forward to them solving the 4 stack problem. I think it’s going to change a lot. And it will make the game much more enjoyable for solo players.


Concurred. Can’t even enjoy my T99 in peace without a panzerfaust 60/100 raping it

I played br 5 allies for couple matches and they werent that bad. Only one match was quite annoying when my teammates just couldnt hold the point longer than 30 seconds even while the enemy team consisted mostly of uptiered br 3 players and br 1 noobs.

well at this time (when this comment are post) the game is dead you have to wait for 8 hour from now then the game will have more br5 player

at this time br5 are either clan stomp or 3 guy


Yes, please state time playing, server choice and faction with comments like this. I can log on now and select EU and game will be empty as only 7am, but if I chose Any server I get some of the best matches - I play BR3/4 btw, any faction. Japs usually 2, rest 3.

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The only level that is truly dead is level three Allies/Japanese. However, gameplay is disappointing at multiple levels for multiple reasons IMOP. Probably the best game play I can see is level two for all factions, but for the most part I only play level two and level five now days.

American server, 5 pm - 10 pm EST

I believe that playing BR5 solo is an exercise in becoming the ultimate Enlisted veteran.
You will develop the higher mentality of Jesus Christ or Buddha, who are not moved by a 5,000 difference in score between first and second place, the ability to deal with the highest BR tanks and aircraft that keep coming (the only tank on my team is a BR1 tin can), and the ability to cover enemies coming from all sides, center, and rear with just one person. You will be able to

Thank goodness you don’t need sarcasm as a work tool or you’d starve to death. Better find another hobby, you’re horrible at it bro.

They should improve the AI, since it’s who you spend the most time with in this game, given the few servers and the huge time difference between them xD

I play europe server so maybe that explains. Or maybe i just got lucky with the matchmaking

Seems to be the case. Euro Allies are doin it and US Allies are sucking so bad Mia Khalifa is jealous

Actually, in my experience it was BR5 germany that was getting the most brain dead players as of last week-ish.
It got so bad I switched to BR 2 germany while keeping everything else BR5, just to avoid getting stuck in a match after match where my team just TIMES OUT

I almost exclusively play solo and mostly BR5. Yeah, it get’s sweaty. Usually you kinda have to rat with paratroopers and APCs, try to flank as much as possible, cut off enemy reinforcements and hope to god your teammates decide to amble into empty capzones…eventually :stuck_out_tongue:

If I get a 4-stack of enemies I’m no longer even bothered…because so far, that also usually means I’ll also have the worst possible team of scraps (I don’t know why matchmaker is like that - anytime I face a meta BR5 4-stack half of my team is effectively BR1 and the rest usually barely BR3)

I know there is nothing I can do to win so I am no longer upset at all. I’ll try for a while then just hop in a plane or do some goofy stuff. The nonsense match will be over in 10 minutes anyway.

And yeah, I do wish they’d do something about the stacks. But overall I think matchmaker needs at least some mild skill balancing. It’s the biggest issue this game has. Uncompetitive matches are utterly dreary.

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Sure when you stop trying to turn enlisted into hell let loose, enlisted is as much arcade or rpg as simulation. Yes zerg rush bad, but hell let loose cra l also bad so medium pace 30 tp 60 minutes god of 2 to 3 hours hell no.

American servers are the opposite still

How to have a pleasant gaming experience
Stay away from suicide infantry idiots
What did you say?
Do you always encounter these mindless poisonous insects?
Then I suggest you stop playing this game and tell other newcomers and people who have never played this game how shitty this game environment is.
Because the authorities care more about the freedom of people with intellectual and logical disabilities to poison their allies than (gameplay, fairness, and balance)