Bought Premium squads should unlock their unique cosmetics for Customization!

You are the only radical individual here. But okay.

If anything, the skins should be the part that should be the most monetized. Since it has no effect on gameplay at all.

I honestly don’t understand at all that they came up with something like appearance orders. They could’ve just left all customization behind the paywall. And just a few skins from events they could give away for free.

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→ literally most f2p out there with currencies that can buy cosmetics with experience

" yoU aRe tHE rADicaL oNe "

sure thing adamn…
sure thing…

in case you forgot, i’m just asking for consistency.

that’s the bloody point.

IF were the only transactions available.

it would make in comparison ubisoft a play ground.

but since that’s not the case, i would like to remind you,

go read the thread about customization.

so… by the same logic, all premiums should be free because they do have affect to gameplay…

yeah i can see why you’re not in the marketing team.

or they could just expand the fucking customization already by including pieces of premium content.
( LIKE THEY DID INITIALLY, AND KEEP DOING to some minor extents ).

which it all comes to,
they are lazy.

but it’s not a reasonable to twist it in their favor when they already are profiting from it considering the fact that you have to rebuy the same shit across different campaign for no reason.

you are just being willingfully dishonest or just blind. can’t assest precisely which of the two.

No, you are asking for socialistic treatment.

I will not read useless outdated informations. That’s why necroposting is a thing in the first place.

Yes, in ideal world in which enlisted has huge playerbase, then yes.
But obv enlisted isn’t fortnite and ww2 isn’t mainstream topic anymore.



lay off the drugs for a day.

maybe you always have an hard time to keep tracks of arguments that you don’t like to talk about, but i can assure you, it is still pretty much relevant since said system is still in place, and has to do about the customization it self.


" not relevant " ?

i’m afrait it is adam.
weather you like it or not.

which still pulls more money than enlisted and still has more updates.

not to trash on enlisted of course, but it’s to point a " behavior ".

and you know the various fun facts?

  • war thunder is unique, hence can pull it off due to the lack of competitors.

  • enlisted is unique, but still has lots of competitors, and it’s failing to gain any popularity because of bugs and various core issues.

not to mention, even in war thunder you do get access to customization relatively for free in a similar manner to enlisted.
it works on xps rather than cards, but you can even obtain bushes, decorations etc.

something that, in enlisted, it failed miserably to replicate.

think about it.

enlisted customization ( speaking of the tank customization here ) despite being taken from war thunder, it doesn’t allow you to grind for the base coloration or change camouflages with obtainable ones like war thunder.

well, it started with the pve thingy, but it died right there.

and the battleground took place.

well, beside the pve, skins where the first source of income from day one.

which, it worked because those were the only microtransations.

enlisted however, it’s like any other cash grabs begging for your money at every corner.
( i’m not claiming it is one, but the ads themselves to ask you to buy premium, all the little flashy colors for gen z over the store quite sure tells the tells about it )

so, no.

the customization does not have to be monetized too.

especially with the current system that can work, but it needs alot of work.

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I do, which is why I despise such socialist attitudes so much.

With pointless and no longer relevant “facts”. It’s just waste of time.

Well, I’d like to see how you’d change and transform such an established aspect of monetization in a game that’s over a decade old.

That’s not true. The very first intention was to make money primarily by selling the PvE story based part of the game, which literally everyone has forgotten about now after the battle royale part has grown to unbelievable proportions.

And the fact that they subsequently made money through skins is just a result of how absolutely huge that game has become.

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The dp42 beltfed for example is straight up an upgrade of the regular dp27. Faster reload, more bullets, 5 soldiers instead of 3. That means that this premium squad is literally op and pay to win basically.

Cosmetics have almost no influence on gameplay chances.

If the game was sold instead of free, i would pay 60$ for it. Thats worth it. Fun for me, the devs earn money.

At least 20 people agree with me, compared to just your opinion.

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but that’s not the case is it?

then why the fuck are you trying to make it similar.

it makes no sense.

taking a system to just rip it apart and make it worke doesn’t sound good to me.

even less officially castrating the customization options for no ones benefit and lost forever behind some pre legacy squads.

you know, there are things that exists and are called " improvements ". never heard of them ?

too bad

oh really?

you sure you wanna play the game of numbers on me?


do i get jet pot?

for your and my own sake, i really do hope numbers make the difference about this topic.
but it’s looking grim for one of us.

People like your idea, (i do so too) but that idea will not become true. You know that as much as i do. Of course no one would say no to free things, but things wont be free.

Its a simple discussion, no need to heat things up.


it won’t because of post like this and people like you that have given up which are descending to pity compromises that does more harm than good.

i’m not even joking.
dead serious.

except, the customization is not free and still is available as conceived.

which it’s fine.

it does require either money, or effort by completing bps, events and what not.

a bit of a artificial scarcity on the orders which it’s a nuissance.
but it’s fine.

much better than completely make what we fought for years completely pointless.

i will not tollerate it.
nor stand by it


you are correct. it is a simple discussion.

yet it seems i have been talking to walls for a couple of days that i’m not sure it’s actually that simple as i see some struggles to understand it.

that’s not possible.

i will not stand down.

as much you don’t care, there are people that do.

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