Bought Premium squads should unlock their unique cosmetics for Customization!

Hello comrades!

Most premium squads got very unique uniforms, which currently are tied to the premium squad itself. Some premium squads have guns, which might not are attractive to buy for some players, but the uniforms on the squad would be a reason to buy it.

Therefore, it would make premium squads way more buyable and attractive, if the clothing which they use, would be unlocked in the customization menu of other regular squads.

For example:

I really like thie uniforms of this squad, but i will not buy it, as i do not want to play with the squad itself.

If buying the squad would unlock the uniforms in the customization menu, i would definetly pay for the squad.

Its profitable for everone:

  • Players get access to more customization, the devs earn more money.

(i know some might not like the idea of paid customization, but do not forget, the devs need to earn money somehow too. And that will not change.)


Two possibilities:


Bought premium squads unlock their unique uniforms in the customiztion for regular squads.


Bought premium squads unlock their unique uniforms to buy in the customzation menu
(Cards and gold)


For me a nice middle way is to give a set of unique soldier camo, unit patches, vehicle camo and decals as a part of the Elite BP itself. Or as a part of the current event. Currently, the BP feels so barebones. They didn’t even add any customization like they did for the previous one. There was only a slight increase in silver from like 1,000 to 2,000 for the free and repeating levels. That’s it. Some really wasted potential right there.

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I agree… i dont understand how they just removed TWO features.

They removed the unique realistic propaganda poster too…

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I would like something like that

Also I like this squad, one of my first


More value to premiums makes premiums more likely to be bought … can’t see fault in logic. Also, cosmetic suggestion is a cool one.

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Hopefully, things will change for the better. I am truly disappointed with them to be honest. Especially when it comes to customization. The plane tree is still missing from Normandy. While we have already made a CBR about it 7 months ago. They have also acknowledged it. Now all of a sudden my Yanks are missing their frog skin pants which came with a full set in the Pacific War campaign. I am talking about the camo vest with those nice gloves. Someone has made a CBR on this as well. What can I say.

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it would be certainly better than what we have.
but i personally still despise it.

it’s just another half way measures because of the developers them selves.
and i do not accept that.

the way it should work, if you bought the premium, you should be able to dress the other non premium squads as well.

and if you don’t, you still should be able to dress them with customization orders even if you don’t own the squad.

i don’t really see why common camouflaged used in the war ( like the gray m43, olive airborne, the commander hat that was supposed to be attached to the soviet M3 halftrack squad ) and so on and on, should be locked behind premium that i have no interest to take because of their guns or squad composition, or the vehicle etc.

50 dollars for a camouflage and have to wait for a window opportunity to get it in discount?
effe that.

same goes for the event squads.

like, the customization alredy contains pieces from some premium squads.
why stop there.

why the half way.

the customization, both premium & event, should be available independently if the owner has it, or not.
only exception, would be ghillies, and extremely rare camouflages like the pre order squads, leibermuster camouflages, silenced mp40 and those that generally falls in being rare or unique in some way due to being rare or not ( but even there, i’d say, those should be available as well ).

but the rest, once again, should be available.
and i will not accept a half baked solution that only benefits them from their own lazyness and half greed.

either that, or a tech tree to spend cars for customization to unlock and use.

except it is not.

I thought that’s exactly what Sergei suggested.

The great03 is An amazing squad is use it for my BR5 line up and perform very well even against automatic gun if you engage from distance, plus the extended mag is so sweet

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:arrow_down_small: :arrow_down_small:

you do read threads from start to finish, right?

Oh, I maybe misunderstood this part.

If you mean you could use exclusive customization without owning premium squad whatsoever, then I disagree with you.

not your day uh



rare camo, okey, maybe not fully available.

default camos, should be available.

What “default camo” is locked behind premium squads?

I thinks I should need give a help before this derail

@Adamnpee, @ErikaKalkbrenner and @Scav_Sergei are asking to let the premium squad default uniform available for f2p squad if the premium squad is owned by the player

They are not asking for have it without pay or have all the costumization the premium squad use for free if the buy the squad


i just said that i’m against that.

not for free, but for customization order EVEN IF YOU DO NOT OWN THE SQUAD.

as long it’s not an extreamely rare camouflaged like the leibermuster of the stg 45.

or some ghillies.

BUT IF YOU DO, own the squad, then yeah, those should be for free just for the owner.

the rest ARE default camouflage that were used in the war and shouldn’t in the slightest be locked for some overpriced squad. for those who wants the camouflage but not the whole rest of the bonus or weapons.

is really reading over a forum overrated these days?

Yes :+1:


I think scav request is more realistic… On this matter I doubt you are ever gonna see premium squad uniform in F2P costumization, without some additional step

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Yes, and I like it a lot. I will only add it should work with event squads exactly in the same manner as well.

I would really love to use stg horn squad customization for more squads.


Are you sure?

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I would love use the polish Bar uniform on all german squad


I would love to use the red berets from bsa welgun squad