Bot shooting gallery

first time i had this kind of match… think it was against all bots cause everyone just sucked and didnt shoot me. did all kills with one engineer (except few that got killed by arty). anyways what is your biggest single (infantry) soldier killing streak? mine is currently 142.

I think this one. Got between 10 and 20 with each shot in those cramped trenches.

183, But those kill streak is meaningless since you are fighting bots.

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Same, i set up a machine gun defending in tunisia and walked away with 160 kills 0 deaths.

cheaters :slight_smile: i only had SVT-38 to work with.

yes it is meaningless, but it is fun to see how many bots can be killed in one streak. i found it good aim practice.

166-0 with my HMG squad.
The bots never shot back.
I built a HMG turret above the 3rd objective, and killed over 120 soldiers before we moved onto the 4th point. Only a handful of bots shot at me… the rest of the time, they aimless ran different directions, trying to get in position on the objective.
Kill one bot, and another would run over and stand in his place.
Rinse. Repeat.

Do we need to increase the bitching about bot matches when we already know there is a significant change to the game coming primarily done to consolidate the playerbase and prevent bot matches?

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First time. I just started this game and half of my games are me being put on a team with just bots against a stacked team of veterans. OR the opposite…

yup because I am also getting stacked against the same veteran players in the same day and even consecutive days…I get it those players are good and have no life. Let me play against someone my age lmao