BOT request

DEV’s, can you “PLEASE” program a BOT that can actually obey orders? Why when I tell them to stay in a building do damn near “ALL” of them go outside the building and die? Yeah, they stay close to the building, but the point is to leave them under cover not go outside and become someone’s cannon fodder. This continuously happens, and well within the distance of the orders being cancelled. I can hear the order being confirmed when I tap on the X key, so I know they are getting it. I mean, even a dog understands the word “STAY”, so why can’t the BOTS? When you put them inside a building or even a room, shouldn’t they stay in that building or that room? When I get killed, the next BOT is NEVER where I told him to stay, and to make matters worse, his clip is damn near empty so I get instantly killed going to shoot at someone and only a bullet or two come out.

Also, would it be that difficult to program the BOTS to keep up with you when your travelling from one objective to the next? You can’t program them to run when you run? That shouldn’t be that difficult. :roll_eyes: When I was in the service, DT meant double time, and EVERYONE did it, so when the point man ran, everyone else did to. :wink:

Ok, rant over, now time to go get pissed at my squad BOTS some more. :yum:


just use individual orders and they will for sure stay in that building.

Also the formation (standard, close, wide) decides how close they will stand around your mark.

Standard formation means they will maintain distance from each other, making some buildings and rooms too small, basically.

Close, Standard, Wide





But I do agree, this feature should be somewhat improved


Apparently I am not patient enough to issue individual orders. :rofl: That comes from kids, X wives and age. . :blush:


I hate how they still jump or prone in front of you. It was supposed to be fixed but it still happens way too often.

Bot should stand or crouch behind windows/sandbags, some should look at the entrance to the building, bots should act natural like real bot from a sp game that would expect enemies to come from obvious direction while they often than not just look at the wall or a ceiling.


switch to individual mode
command soldier to stay
switch to next soldier
command soldier to stay
switch to next soldier
command soldier to stay
switch to next soldier
command soldier to stay
switch to next soldier
command soldier to stay
switch to next soldier
command soldier to stay
switch to next soldier
command soldier to stay
switch to next soldier
command soldier to stay

or we could just have press x once to stay behind cover…

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I’m not saying it’s perfect (far from actually)

Just a proper way to deal with the problem atm :wink:

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I agree 100% … I don’t understand why they haven’t done more to improve the AI (bots). I have seen impressive AI in other games so I don’t see why the developers seem to have problems implementing an improved AI/BOT system. Most of the time the bots just stand and get mowed down.