
Any tips for uploading a new nation?

I’ve been avoiding this situation… I have the axis and the soviets at their maximum.

The problem…

Not only am I lazy to start from scratch, but I also have no patience with the players… xD

In br v they are already extremely bad at playing for the most part, I think I will lose my sanity if I start to up another nation. xD

Any advice?

Just enjoy the low tier 2 assaulter weapons


There’s no doubt that playing with rifles is fun, it’s something that is not seen in high br, even so my rank points cry. xD

The new influx of Steam players have shown to be pretty competitive, IMO.

They still aren’t great at rally points for the Allies, but they sure like to hop in tanks and planes for the Germans. Maybe they’re WT expats or something.

I didn’t know I can have a ton of fun with Japan just shooting planes with the at rifle


When you destroy your first plane with a tank cannon shot, you will smile like I did yesterday.

have already done that … it was a glorious moment. Have also slapped a plane with a pak 40

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I have gone back to BR1 and BR2 and I’m enjoying the game again. The balance is much better than in higher tiers and it makes all the difference :+1:

This game is not balanced at all.

With the Americans it marks br 2-5, it can’t even measure the br properly, it’s horrible.

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Play on Lone Fighters, and you will make good gains starting a new nation.


Please do me a favor and explain.

What game mode is that?

Beat kill for me was sniping the pilot out of a cockpit of a slow plane lining up for a low bomb drop. :slight_smile:

go to custom games and you will find a game which game mode is lone figthers afther you entered there you will have more realistic experiencie without bots, this game mode is hard because you dont control any bot and most of player there are very good at coodinating ( and some of them cheaters) besides that is a very good gamemode : )

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hell yeah i created BR2 roster for japan yesterday with all but BR2 weapons or lower and game finds BR1-3, however if i put even to a single soldier BR3 weapon , game gives BR2-5 … thats weird and laughable