
So, I’ll start with the fact that tanks have decorators.

For example, this pz-4.
Each decorator is attached to a certain bone, here the bone_turret and root

Thanks to the help of @Devenddar and @schyrikami , I learned how to make ordinary entities from rendinst using entities.blk

like that

And then attach them to the weapon

Unfortunately, a full-fledged customization is hindered by the first-person view (everything is fine from the third)
I wanted to make a “VSS Screw Cutter”)

And if weapons are more difficult, then what about planes and equipment? And then I remembered that I needed bones for this…
which I do not know where to look for)

Therefore, I ask for the possibility of providing developers with information about all the bones (for aircraft, weapons, equipment and boat) if possible

Thanks a lot in advance, I hope you will help)

@Enginya, of the developers associated with the editor, I only know you)


we’re on the same boat brother…

i tried to do a custom Glock:

and it worked at first:

but, just like you encountered:

the weapon won’t remain attached " in the right position ".

you could try to use the nodename onto Bip01 R Hand

but, you’ll have to reset the coordinates as axes are different, and it will kinda work. but the rendinsts will remain despite the gun is not equipped.

you’ll be facing another issue. once the character dies, the rendinst will remain after death:

if you want to follow our experiements;


oh… you are talking about bones.

my bad.

well, for those, i can only answer to vehicles;

you’ll need to

Unpack tanks.vromfs
After you did, filepath to tank DM’s is this: tanks.vromfs.bin → gamedata → gen → units → tank you need to check

and from there, will be self explanatory


i found some additional bones for guns: ( keep in mind, that when i say " different " axes, i’m referring to the 0, 0, 0. from the center of the map, which defines how similar / on point will be.

hence, when a node has different axes, it means you’ll have to do many more tries in order to get it like you want.


// slighlty changed axes but mostly spot on, and realtively easy to understand

// unfortunately, transform position ( last 3 digits ) & Scaling are inverted ( use height for widen your object, and use wideness to shorten / elevate height

reccomended for replacement guns / add parts on the main body. due to easier use and more refined


// has some weird axes, similar to gun_fx_main, but it’s in the middle of the gun

// unfortunately, Transform position, Scaling & Rotation are all inverted

Reccomended for scopes & weapons attachments since it’s in the middle of the weapon


// completely different axes, weird pattern

i reccomend it for custom made bayonettes since it’s usually at the barrel.

Bip01 L Hand / Bip01 R Hand

// completely different axes, will remain even if the weapon is holstered.

my reccomandations are to avoid it. honestly.
unless you want to make some custom armors / objects that will stick around the hands / arms.
but you’d be better off using Bip_[…]

i’ll update if i find any new bones ( only usefull ones. because there are many rubbish ones )

but, i feel like weaponRoot is the one to go for base weapons ( in case if you want to replace like i did )

as a result:

( essentially, it’s a scar H widened ( although in my case, i had to use heights because things are inverted ) to create a 249 SAW light machinegun based on the m2 stinger )

EDIT forgot to mention, unfortunately, using bones attached to the guns will make the weapon be " ghosted ".

the weapon will remain " attached " in first person and in third ONLY if you use Bip_[…] parts/bones of characters.

problem is, if you switch weapon, those will remain in place. which it’s not ideal.

and if you die… the attachments / main body weapons will fly following the last position of the gun.


For most vehicle bone nodes, we can view them through the WarThunderAssetviewer of War Thunder CDK

And you may also find the name of the texture from by this viewer…