All major factions seem to had some sort of body armor(In use, production, planned, test). Would be nice to see in game. Let’s see what everyone got.
I cant show a picture, but there is a ww1 armor plate from the germans if i remeber correctly
from crsed.
brits got one too:
( soviets got 2 with variations of their own. something like up to 6 )
I don’t know if we should have German WW1 body armor, unless there is proof they did use it on some occasion
I have heard the Germans did capture some Soviet body armor, and may have developed their own but that would be very rare and few in numbers. I think something like that would be a good Premium or Event squad
Now I know some of you would say “but the Soviets have body armor!” but I think there’s nothing wrong with their’s being a regular customization item because of all the factions they probably used the most amount of armor, even though it was still small. The tiny percentage of DR is negligible. I have even heard that metal helmets may also provide a little DR
To me I don’t mind if a German body armor is a special squad, because to me it’s just a neat skin (and DR is miniscule that it basically doesn’t matter)
if it was going to get added to everyone, it really needs a downside OR restricted to a class like assualters. (IMO needs that anyway)
otherwise it will become the new norm (just on the off chance 10% saves them), and rather boring.
Yes, my thoughts exactly.
Tell that to the sweat Lords who will bring out any kind of advantage they can when it comes to end game
I really don’t want to feel obligated to put body armor on every soldier in the entire game. I would prefer if they removed the actual armor effect from standard cosmetic armor, and the actual 10% damage reduction armor only remains a thing on specialty event/premium squads that feature these
It changes breakpoints for several weapons when used in conjunction with vitality.
I just got an idea of maybe a Berlin Volkssturm special (Premium or event) squad that could have the WW1 armor
No special squad
All get them from customization.
For me it’s about maintaining a level of immersion. I’m ok with the Soviets having body armor as a regular customization because they likely used the most amount of armor compared to all the other factions, even if it was still a small number.
I wouldn’t want to see an entire armada of Germans wearing WW1 shells
I think a decent speed or stamina reduction would be a good balance
And I’m sure it’s perfectly fine for the Germans defending Berlin to see an entire armada of Soviets pouring through the corridors of Berlin in body armor so I do not see a problem if the Germans do exact same thing when it comes to end game and we wouldn’t be here having this conversation if they didn’t have that 10% damage reduction body armor.
I already consider it bad that through upgrades you can get 40% more HP, while only 20% more damage is possible - and that only on “some” weapons, many will only give you like 10% more damage.
In my book they can remove vitality all together, so who would need armor?
I would really hate to see this game devolve into everyone wearing the same 3 chest pieces because they are the only ones that offer a tangible advantage in-game.
No, just get rid of the armor effect and make it pure cosmetical.
Yes please.
Or else we’re going to have body armor f***ing everywhere.