I would love to see this added to an event giveaway or tech tree someday.
I know there is a version sold with the Truck part as an armored car, but I want a version where the car is a truck.
I know it is in the background of the Moscow map. I want to be able to ride in it.
Please Darkflow.
fanbois r such idiots!!
cool but since we still dont have f2p rocket truck/vehicle i doubt we will get this in 2 year maybe in 3 year possibly
It is in wt so it shouldnt be hard to implement
If they choose to release variant with 82mm rockets, this vehicle would be probably even worse than current soviet rocket tank.
And that thing is extremely bad.
The rocket tank(s) for Soviets, Axis and Allies should all have indirect fire like @tommyZZM Big Action mod, I know map is bigger but still, they could shrink indirect fire trajectory or something…
then I can play this in the background while blasting axis with my rockets
it is already in war thunder so yeah would not be hard to port into enlisted, the Americans have a rocket tank, the Germans have a rocket truck now the soviets will have a rocket truck,
Japanese could probably get this too
I wonder which are worse…
Mmmmh. Fanbois, or old men not following their own advice and still posting in forums of something “to avoid like plague”…
To all USSR fanbois downplaying Lend-lease, almost all Katyusha artillery were built on American lend-leased trucks.
About those, I’d really like em…
But they need a new mechanic to use. One which doesn’t require direct line of fire, but parabolic fire instead. The axis and Soviet rockets premiums should also switch to such a mechanic.
Now to balance it out, Idk what could be done.
and you are surprisingly the biggest of all of them.
anyway, as it goes for op,
it would be really great to have one.
which, the model is already in the game:
but it lacks functional parts and still uses old textures.
so it’s gonna be a while.
but sure, would be great to have.
it’s gonna be premium though ( at least, i hope so )
bigger dispersion perhaps.
so they are not 100% accurate.
for example, if one aims for the capture point, out of 14 shells of the salvo, maybe only 2-4 hits the actual target.
could be great for saturation while still being balanced and effective indirectly.
but at the same time, not a huge fan of skill-less HE from afar.
mh… so… perhaps they are great as they are now. as it require to users to actually show up and be somewhat exposed.
Something completely new. It’s far fetched, but, it could be made to fire only if a radioman from another squad is calling for a point bombardment… But it might be too restricting…
Or simply, very long reloading time, a bit like in WT when you need a resupply: only one rocket, per a certain amount of tick or something
It is different to ones that are used in Moscow map? If not, there’s chance it is not planned to be playable
it is
( moscow’s bm 13s are rendinsts ( aka, maps objects )
this one instead, has vehicle properties like the rest of other vehicles and a physic model ( which is only used for vehicles ).
Ooeer - I’m famous. Thanks for confirming my completely justified bias against sill fanbois
Still suggest people with no sunk cost fallacy should avoid the game TBH.
However back to the BM-13N - even in WT with completely fake adjustable suspension it has minimum range of 250m. Dunno what it would be without that - minimum elevation is +8 degrees from horizontal…