Black African American Male Squads?

I dont own sherman squad, but crusader one has the option…

Damnit. Probably locked out of tanker squads… :frowning: Couldn’t give them, last time I checked…

Sad cause the Canadian premium skin, is taken from this photo here:
Canadian tankers traditionally wear black berrets. I wanted to make my squad fit…

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Kinda weird you can give them to tanker II squad but not to tanker III squad xD

No so strange italian tanker 1 have different costumization from italian tanker 2

Wut? We are talking about allies

Tanker I has them as base hat

and premium a13 squad has the option as well

@Conscript_Joe are you sure tankers III cannot purchase them?

And? You say

In the axis side is the same, is mirrored so is not strange is a discutible design choice

Idk, the tanker III squad on allies side looks british, not american. So why wouldnt they be able to purchase berets?

Every British tanker squad I own has the option.

:face_with_diagonal_mouth: dont aske me wen the costumization for tunisia was releasead i dont recall se barrett for my sherman crew, but i can mistake @Conscript_Joe sure they cant have the barrett?

I cannot prove since I don’t own the tanker III squad. I was just referring to info given by @Conscript_Joe

Thaths fine guess we have wait joe

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But, the Sherman I’m talking of, is the Normandy one :smile:

In Tunisia it’s the older model.

xDDD sorry, that’s explaining a lot

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Am I the only one who bought that gold order skin? I know it’s not a jumbo but still :sweat_smile:

Forget everything I just said. This is how sleep deprivation looks like in real time.

Are you talking about the “bomb” skin?

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Probably not,but you are the only one who want change US tanker in canadian


All it takes, is enough maple syrup injections, and the Canadianification is complete!!!

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Been looking, and this is the Canadian Firefly I need as a skin. Because track armour does work!

And NO, civilians are NOT to be used as armour before someone joke about it :laughing:


Indeed a canadian tanker squad would be sick maybe equipped with the italian firefly


Is it somewhat different from classic one? Or is that only camo?