So i think there wasn’t any new news about this since they removed the bigger player counts, i am still looking forward to it, and hope for some news soon.
Maybe a temporary solution for players with bigger maps could be, that you allow at least bigger bot counts, so it doesnt feel so empty.
Question for modders with big open maps: What is your experience with big maps but not so big player/bot counts? (lone 25v25 max)- is it too empty or what is your opinion?
Yeah… I miss times when I can make 20v20 or 50v50.
My map isn’t so big… But… I think that it was much better when player/bot amount were more then 10v10 or 25v25.
(Beach - Lone Fighters ||| Beach - Squads)
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We need to remind them every now and then, after all they promised to work on it and test it
Before they limited the amount of players for modded maps, I played a massive 100 v 100 lonefighters Normandy Confrontation map. At the height of the game there was at least 80 players on each side with the rest filled with bots. It was absolutely chaotic and action packed, truly amazing. Only downside was that as the game continued the amount of tank wrecks and all the carnage caused some lag and server issues. But it was definity playable. I’m 100% certain that if darkflow made large scale maps a large chunk of the community would support with zeal.
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Yes i created that map
it was super fun while it lasted, true despite the server network lag it was just as i envisioned it to be, bigger map, bigger fights, longer battles and a lot of action
Best case would be if they worked on servers to support more players, but we will see.