Bf 110 C-6 worst Premium Plane?

I tried to love this plane, but ffs, it’s useless, the cannon can kill tanks but it’s almost imposable to do so most of the time, and with AA being borderline OP again, those low slow deliberate passes needed to bring the cannon to bear are death runs.

From what I gather it is using the “stealth” ammo chain from War Thunder, HVAP would be a seemingly better option.

Nop. It uses AP-I/HVAP-T


Anything german should annihilate enemies without even having to fire your weapon.


It would be fantastic, and extremely potent…

… If soldiers/vehicles on the ground were rendered BEFORE you’re 500m from them…


How does plane ammo exactly work?
AP-I and HVAP-T should not have a filler but the rounds still explode?
Does each shot repressent a HE round and a AP round at the same?
So if a tank is hit it explodes and tries to pen the tank aswell?
If yes, are all belts like that? or do HE only belts exist?

I have logged a bug with this plane, as I can’t kill anything, pen seems next to impossible, maybe turn AB orange if lucky.

Experimental 101 cannon hmm

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I was about to ping you, I was almost sure you had that plane.

Sadly the cannon don’t have pen power. But, besides that, how you feel about the plane?

Well honestly, it is useless as attacker, any tanks are safe



I don’t think render distance would help, as an attacker it should have some AT capability, currently it is a meme plane, for when I’m solo and helping Tunisia axis from the air, to avoid being farmed by HMG, Sherman and a Grant at same time!

I think high render distances would help.

Having the ability to see further would only help.

That’s something I personaly wanna see as a player. High level of detail further.

But, I have to consider, as a player, that a player with weak computer power should be able to see the same, so I don’t gain an unfair advantage

It’s a canundrum at the end of the day. High fidelity details further, and low computer power equality. Honestly something we should talk more about


I think with clever lod scaling they could increase the render distance considerably without putting too much strain on a system. At the furthest distances you could get away with very basic sprites to represent infantry. They can already do that to 1km distance for friendly players, and even further for tank markers.

I don’t know what the dagor engine is capable of though, shame they don’t switch over to something more modern and capable like unreal 5.

Yeah, that Tunisia BF 110 needs to shoot hand grenades out of its 30mm before it would become viable as an attacker. Either that or HVAP.


It would help a lot…

To target tanks roof, and the plane canon acts like I think it does, which is to say that in Enlisted it doesn’t shoot ap, but HE, then at least you could clean the field of infantry with great effect…

At least.

I miss strafing with my fighters. In Tunisia, I love the Spitfire, but all I can do when no enemy is in the air, is randomly shoot inside trenches in the hope of hitting invisible infantrymen…

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I logged a bug a while back, maybe a few more comments would get this change

I wanted to get this plane. On my first trial I absolutely destroyed a sherman tank on the first pass (as I expected it to as a warthunder pilot)

But the next 5 attempts were…unimpressive…leading to me not grabbing the plane.

30mms need to all be HVAP. Thats just my opinion, you want all in. Its either all in on anti tank or all in anti infantry.

Back in testing for Tunisia the HS 129 Duck was a great for this. (REAAAALY want the Duck back by the way…)

ofcourse being able to select our own weapon belts will be the best choice.

Also on that topic the 40mm Hurricane, I havent looked for a long time, but doesnt that have HE rounds in the belt? It seemed to be a rather odd configuration at the time.

Trial, is different I found than the live game for a lot of things.

Tank rounds often preform differently and the 110 was deadlier in Trial than in live at least back when I bought it.

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yeah for sure. lack of crew etc etc. But I would have expected some major internal damage and fires(which happened once). but didnt register most of the time.

in warthunder 30mm HVAP is just the bane of tanks. Death from above.

Id probably prefer 30mm HEI until the anti tank ammo is consistant.

I want this so badly. Having to use spot (tanks) from 3km out is, unimmersive…I would just rather have Eyes on…

I rather wish infantry were rendered before the last second aswell…But i guess it protects them a fair bit from strafing…A lot more people would hate planes from being constantly and effectively strafed, even though AA would be in its prime

You can actually spot them for yourself just by hitting V, and moving the circle around till you find one

I don’t know if this is intended or not, its actually really not necessary as tanks are pretty easy to spot just by their gun fire.

In fact, probably 90% of the stuff on the ground I kill is from dropping on tracer fire, those red marks lie