BF 109 G10 premium review, and a plea to the developers

So why did I choose the G10 over the:

F2(Moscow), the campaign unlock has a cooler camo.

E7/U2(Moscow), You get the exact same one in Stalingrad, camo and everything for fighter pilot 1.

G6(Normandy), I played the CRAP out of the free one and had no intention of getting a carbon copy save for a few decals and slightly different camo scheme. Also:

Not a unique squad, for what it’s worth…

G14(Berlin), Camo isn’t really anything special and Berlin is mostly vehicles-less so I wouldn’t get the chance to use it. That and it has the same issues as the G10 I am about to bring up.

FW190 D9(Normandy), camo aint stank enough, I don’t like its playstyle as you have to rigidly adhere to lining up a target perfectly and accounting for the plane drifting to one side to land your bombs in the right spot. That and always having to maintain your speed somehow translate to being much slower in capability than that of the BF109 planes…

So that leaves the G10 as it has a pretty good camo scheme and it offered a different playstyle in my mind to the campaign unlock which has 20mm’s rather than 30’s. Unfortunately, if you don’t know where the enemy troops are, your 30mm’s really can’t do much(even though they have splash now) and you have almost zero ways to deal with tanks save for dropping 20mm rounds on their engine deck, which is a lot of farting around. Play the G6 to know how well the 13mm and 20mm work on air targets, but for the 30mm’s it basically takes down airplanes with 1 hit and the lead indicator is for the 30mm’s. Which I do think they should consider getting rid of the lead indicator at some point or at least consider it… That being said, I am rather disappointed by the G10, in the same way as I am disappointed by the FW 190 A-4 and BF109 F4 (trop) or any other airplane that doesn’t have the capability of dealing with ground targets in some effective manner, as there is no point in staying in the air when you have no real means of contributing besides being a quick interceptor. Leading to the G10 basically being a very mediocre experience overall. The G10 could easily be fixed in my eyes if the 30mm was in the nose rather than the 20mm as ammo conservation wise it is much better this way. Also, not having the gondolas allows for the 4x50kg bombs to be installed underneath the plane, which is by far the best way to take out infantry and vehicles allowing for you to choose what to do with your 30mm ammo. So basically the K4’s loadout but with bombs. As a side note, I think the regular BF 109 G10 with 3 20mm’s is more enjoyable to use as you have sooo much ammo for your 20’s and it shines best in an aircraft heavy match.

So my plea to the developers is to allow us to change the loadout of our aircraft to some extent as this would fix nearly all of my/our issues with not only the G10, but all of the other planes that don’t have ground ordinance. Well, that is if the aircraft had any to begin with… Balance wise, I don’t think there is a loadout that would really be OP so long as vehicles are matched up properly in the first place. Although, it would be nice if only certain loadout options were limited to the premium variants which would greatly set them apart from their free unlock counterparts.<–Such as napalm or 30mm’s

Oh, overall rating of BF109 G10: 81%, would be 100% with suggested loadout change.

Rant over for now…

Small edit: Looks like the G10 can only equip,

After further usage, it is a very reliable aircraft that one can have fun in granted the enemy is spawning a lot of aircraft. Although, having two 30mm’s firing at the same aircraft tends to make them disintegrate and they make that sound as if they hit the ground. These twin 30mm’s are actually usable against infantry, sometimes netting you many kills so long as you know with 100% certainty that where you are shooting at them in the first place. It’s kind of like having 35 salvos of rockets that have a small blast radius. Leads into the playstyle of help your team on the ground for 2/3 of the battle and hop into the G10 to strafe and clean up all the MU’FUGIN P47 supremacists, go stick those HVAR where the sun don’t shine.


Choosing ammunition belts would be a big boon to playability of all planes. 30mm HE is very nice for infantry and planes

also providing the ammunition works, which currently alot of the big caliber doesnt (at least not as expected). I am preparing to post about it.