Bf 109 G-6 versus G-14

Can someone explain me, what is better with G-14 variant?
You have no bombs. Speed is really almost the same. Turn radius seems also not a big plus.

I don’t get it, why it should be better. Has someone some experience and can explain it to me?

cause is a dogfighter without air-to-ground capabilities
i mean it can shoot the ground
i guess.

i guess, the 6-14 has 3 MG, so it is very easy to shoot other planes down
but , yes if there are no other planes, the g14 is more than useless

But the G-6 has same guns, or have I misread something?

well you are right, i thought you meant the g10
my fault

The devs like to add some useless shit like this one on their game, like they want to fill some lvl of campaigns. Their is literally no point to earn/play this plane when you have the same with bombs at low lvl…

Okay, thx. Thought I am too stupid and missed something.

exacly the same but no bombs. useless.

hopefully one day we can change our vehicles loadout.

The G-14 has access to MW50 engine boost, which gives it an extra 300 horsepower at full power. It climbs and accelerates faster, and has a better top speed, though you might need to upgrade it to reach its full potential.

You will notice the biggest difference while you are at 100% power.

Woah, never thought something like that from stat card.

Will definetly try that. Thank you for the explanation.