For you who is thinking of upgrading or shifting to the higher fighter plane here is a showcase in
its performance flown by an certified noob accordingly to Enlisted elites
This video is also there for educational purposes for noobs like me. Here you can learn from my mistakes on what to not do and perhaps learn from those things when i get lucky
If you have any questions please feel free to ask or perhaps the elites will make their time chipping in some pennies for you for an cheap cost of their recognition ofc
Hope you enjoy as i did being an fighter pilot in Enlisted during this session killing a lot of stinky IL2s with passion and strafing PPD bullies like an angel from above :P. And that we perhaps meet each other out there for an dogfight or two
Except that youre top flyer in the sky (debatable with biplanes still though), can basically reload in seconds and fast as an eagle. But yeah some bumbs would be nice
F1 its a bit slower in all parts how i felt that one, but has almost the same character as this one in all regards. So it will be like this but with an bom (which also slows it down even more) but also more accurately conserving bullets in dog fighting ^^
Flying without flaps can be tougher yeah when you want more turning for sure ^^ but you can do that asw using your body with the tail rodder but not as smoothly
I think without flaps it can very easily go into a nose dive about 90 throttle, try it out, go into shallow dive no flaps, reach approx 500, then try and pull up!
Usually i can use flaps in high speed asw in sharp turns. But its when i have them on for a longer period of time they break. Havent experimented that much since im used to be able to pump them no matter what. Its when i forget they are on those things happen ^^
At 400+ im used to using takeoff flaps so will test 500 sharp then just to check it for you next time im in. Ill post the results here if there is nobody that knows the answer of that already
Well see it like this. The bombers will love you being around and you still can hammer in a lot of firepower in to their infantry. And if you annoy them long enough they will dedicate 3 squads just to try take you down which can result in your team winning ^^ 2 in the air and 1 AA
Im bit of a noob at this game so have only tried out Moscow so far with Germans. So right now i would say F2 for sure even if i do miss having some bombs with F1 i still had to drop them every time anyways when dogfights came in but was nice to have when no planes where around
Ive met couple of Migs though but they are rly rare and must say those are rly good in the air to. Agile af and fast. Had my best dogfights with those, not recorded unfortunately and some where rly good aces to. So its something im tempted to try one day after ive finished all the campaigns and can recommend that one just from looking at its performance
yeah must be hard but cant you free key bind that somehow ? or they could fix an free look section if you push down right controller then move you can look around and still move the plane with your left perhaps
L stick is rudder throttle, I don’t think I should move rudder on R as well as control airlerons, but it is a mapping issue I guess. As I say I does work quite well I can free look and bank plane and close gap, the issue is the turn is not as tight when I use free look for some reason… I still get plenty of kills though.
I use rudder when strafing troops and buildings and doing Hammerhead maneuver, (climb up and hard right or left at point of stall and dive down)