Better Vehicle camo system

One thing that camouflage is supposed to achieve is the concealment of your vehichle. So you will be more difficult to spot and engage.

However, a problem with the current system is that you can choose one camo that applies in all environments. so, if I bought a tan camouflage for a German tank with the intent of using it in Tunisia, I may end up fighting in Moscow. But my camo will still be tan, actually giving me a disadvantage in the snowy forests.

Instead, the system should work like soldier unifroms. Changing with each campaign. This means I will be able to choose and use the optimal camouflage with ease and it will actually help me. Also, many different camos could be added to add more diversity to gameplay. The prices of camo should also be lowered, as it would be split and individual rather than a centralised system. I’m thinking about 75-100 gold for one camo for one campaign.

Is this a good system?
Feedback welcome.


World of Tanks and Warthunder have a system exactly like this. Not sure why enlisted doesn’t have it yet.


Also camos should be available for f2p players. They could give them from events and bp


The BP should have a free camp when you buy the BP in addition to the PFP, gold Order and emblem thing.

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