Better documentation of the various texture palettes and .blk files available to use in the editor

As of right now, as far as Iā€™m aware, the only way to change certain weather effects and textures on maps is to remember the exact file names. I think it would be extremely helpful if there was some sort of full or partial documentation for the various names of the different weather, terrain, ground, and atmospheric effects that are technically available to use.

Manually typing in the 12 types of cloud/fog combinations or having to save them in an external program is not great.
And dont even get me started on trying to remember the likes of ā€œtunisia_wall_color_tex_paletteā€ or ā€œcontent/e_berlin/gamedata/berlin_doors.blk.ā€


Yes, we actually need a document :sob: :sob: :sob: