Better Customisations and models

I like the new customisation feature but it feels very badly done and unpolished.

First lets talk about customisation orders.
There isn’t really any way to receive them in any quantity. When the update dropped I had about 80 customisation orders and after I spent them I haven’t received any orders in the last month. I’m still at zero orders

Second, the customisation itself. I can currently buy late-war soviet summer uniform and dress my early-war Moscow soldiers with it. Not to mention that uniforms are absolutely disgusting, If a soldier has a small head, it will look like his hat is floating above him.
If he has a big head, the hat will glitch inside his head.

Moscow is the only campaign where uniforms feel like they are loaded with equipment like in real life but in other campaigns soldiers are just naked and look weird.
The worst are the American uniforms, US troops look like they wear skinny jeans plus they have almost no equipment on their clothes which makes them look like ballet actors.

Japanese famous war hat with anti-sun flaps is so badly designed it makes me cringe
The hat is so unrealistically big it seems like the hat is 3 times bigger than the soldiers head

German uniforms in Moscow look mostly awful outside the sniper uniform and MG uniform

Tunisia uniforms are ugly but I don’t really play that campaign so I don’t care

Stalingrad uniforms are just copy-paste Moscow uniforms

Berlin is the only campaign where both sides have decent non-ugly uniforms

I would like if hats were to be remade to fit soldiers head shape, uniforms need to feel more real, please fix the issue where after putting a helmet on the soldier his previous helmet will just glitch with the new one.
Please add a future of receiving 1 customisation order after each battle


Yes indeed … How about Fallschirmjäger uniforms and helmets?


I think they ran out of, or had dismissed old model designers/teams/contractors.
Older soldier models before Tunis are all pretty excellent.
Since Tunis, face models, uniform diversity, general quality is much poorer than before.


Stalingrad has the most variety of uniforms with lots of equipment choice on them. So it’s more like Moscow uniforms are a copy-paste of Stalingrad’s, seeing as they came a year later, lol. Also there aren’t half as many uniforms in Moscow compared to Stalingrad.

I think darkflow has not been doing well in the last times, it seems the company has lost most of the funding they used to have.
Just look at the videos showing early enlisted physics, the game used to actually look promising

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Uniform quantity isn’t really a problem, it’s the uniform design

Take for example the soviet winter cap, I’m on my phone and not home so I can’t take good pictures but this cap can be equipped as 3 different iterations:

Flaps raised

This version is the only good one and most soldiers already come equipped with it

Flaps loose

The hat somehow becomes 2 times bigger. Very ugly designed, most soldiers don’t come equipped with it outside some premium squads

Flaps loose and tied up

I don’t have a picture but this iteration is slightly better than “flaps loose” but still much worse than “flaps raised”
Ugly but could be worse

I agree I also think that the colors on the American uniform are of they do not look right the pants and under shirt should be a brownish green I would also like to see insignia customization like rank and Battalion patches they should also add A-frames for the Germans. The we’re connected the the Y-straps and that is how the we’re supposed to carry there combat kit such as the zelt quarter, mess tin and assault pack which would hold a solders rifle cleaning kit, spare socks and combat rations.

We should also be able to choose ammo Pouches for free to match are current weapon


Yeah, why is my PZ III J crew in Tunisia dressed like DEVO :melting_face: