Better attacker plane for USA BR 3 please

USA BR 2 has SBD-3 (two versions but the same)
USA BR 3 has AP-1
USA BR 4 has A-20 (two versions)
USA BR 5 has P-47D-28

All these planes are good except for the AP-1 which is imho the worst plane in the game.
I remember grinding for it.
I was used to the sweet but slow SBD-3 and was hoping that the AP-1 would be a little bit faster and above all else, it has two gunners, which is much needed in a slow divebomber.
I immediately got the gold order version when the plane came available to me.
And it turned out to be a huge disappointment.
Big, heavy, slow, turns like a bus.
It’s so bad that I have only used it once or twice for testing, and always instantly go back to the SBD-3.
I would rather fly a seaplane than this thing.
Taking off from a carrier only just works.
Spawning in the air is ok, it has some speed but when you need to turn to re-arm it’s all over.
German and Japanese planes can fly circles around this thing.
For example: Germany BR 3 has 2 versions of the Bf-110 and they are both a million times better.

The AP-1 is so slow that it is unusable in the BR 3. Or in any BR.
I never use it and never see it being used by others.
Therefor a better/faster attacker plane is welcome in BR 3.


Lol, that’s kinda disappointment. I always thought it has to be great. But somehow I have never tried it. I don’t even know why.

It seems I haven’t missed out on anything then. Kinda meh…

Its missing 2 extra bombs (has in warthunder from memory)

Also its meant to have a proper bomb sight i think

Been a long time since i used this one in warthunder

So why do you need a good BR3 attacker plane? to slaughter beginners?

US currently have P38 in low-tier battles, which can slaughter all BR2 vehicles and, if used properly, can seriously damage BR3 vehicles. I don’t think US’s low-tier air force needs to be buffed, as there is no weapon disadvantage for the US in low-tier matches.

And I remember US had an FP5, which had 4 HVAR rockets that could kill everything in a low-tier match, and also included a 150liters drop tank as a bonus. I think US should be content, as other factions do not yet have such abundant air forces.


It does have 2 x 500lb bombs and a working bomb sight.

Nah, I’m just making a squad selection for every BR and dont have a good attacker for BR 3.
The only one available is the AP-1 which is so bad that I will need to use SBD-3 from BR 2 in BR 3.

P-38 is an attacker in BR 2 but fighter in BR 3 (bugged).
FP-5 is also a fighter.
I dont want to put 3 fighters in my selection, 2 fighters + 1 attacker is fine.
So a good attacker for BR 3 is still missing.

That’s true.

Just move P-38 to BR3 and everone will be happy. P-38 is truly overperforming on BR2, especially in Pacific with instant start.

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Would the A-36 Apache Work?


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I mean in warthunder it had 4x 500lb bombs and a proper bomb sight.

Are you just confirming what it has in warthunder? didnt think it had a bomb sight in enlisted.

If it had the warthunder configuration it would be pretty cool (or at least interesting enough to consider using)

So does the P-51 D-5, so its not really impressive.

P-51 with a gutless engine won’t be much more fun to fly lol