Best german grenade launcher?

So the german tech tree has 2 grenade launchers. One of them is just a regular one and the other one is anti-tank. However i dont know, which one is more effective against infantry.
My thought were that the anti-tank one might have more tnt in it because it can penetrate armor.
The problem about it is, that i can’t see the stats of both.
Can anyone tell me, if I thought right or wrong?
Thx in advance.

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Regular one is for infantry


well the AT one is basically universal while normal one is just normal

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But is it exactly like the regular one, when you use it against infantry?

from my experience yea it work pretty much the same but AT one can kill tank and vehicle (idk what it can kill but it can kill APC at least)

havent got much chance to use it against tank yet (should have mention heavy tank but yea light tank can be kill too)


Yep they are the same (the second one can pen tank) but if OP is just interested in kill infantry it should use the first one for don’t waste to much silver


The anti-tank grenade launcher I feel is superior against vehicles and infantry. The regular grenade launcher might be bugged because sometimes it does not do any damage whatsoever to enemies.

I use the Anti-tank launcher with my AT troops and it’s very useful when used sparingly!

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I recall AT is slightly better all areound but better to ask @Euthymia07

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There is no difference against infantry.


oh ok then i will use AT one since it more reliable

I like to give every anti-tank soldier an anti-tank grenade rifle
In this way, I can first penetrate the engine or tracks of the moving enemy and then destroy it with the anti-tank rocket barrel.


AT one is better against both tanks and infantry due to
a) higher BR
b) explosions are bugged/nerfed, making the normal GL suffer

since both are same BR you dont even need to take financial considerations into account

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I’m veeeeeery confused by your comment.

How does higher BR make it better?

  1. You’ve wrote AT has higher BR and now you write they have the same BR
  2. BR has 0 connection to costs (unless I miss something) so I don’t know what you mean here

Wait, aren’t those HEAT grenades? Why would they have a different penetration at ranges?

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BR-Cost connection:

if one has higher br than the other, you might need to buy both in order to play the newly implemented fine BR separation.

but if both are the same BR, it doesnt matter and you can just buy the best of both without any downsides at all.

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That’s at different angles, it’s the same regardless of distance

U.S. military

the argument was about the german GLs,
the burgers have to make lots of decisions, as they have 3 different normal Gls on BR3 and the garand AT GL on BR4.
that doubles the costs to have optimized armies.

but at least the m1 carbine GL is very fun to use and special with its properties among all nations

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exclude focus
The US military is indeed the worst
They are the only faction without level 3 anti-tank grenade rifles
You can’t expect this thing to take on a high-level camping tank

I was using them both yesterday and the “regular” one does absolutely fuxk all to infantry. Probably the worst rifle grenade in the game

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