Best BR1 bolt action rifles?


After the recent update, I started building pure BR1 armies. What BR1 bolt action rifles for Germany, Alles and Soviets do you recommend? The Arisaka 38 for Japan is a given, but I am undecided what boltie to use for the other factions.


Personal choice:

Mosin 1938 carbine
Kar 98k
Springfield M1903 (USMC version if it’s not BR2)
Arisaka 38 rifle (not carbine)

UPD: also huge factor in my picks is that all of those are historically accurate and not just “the best stats”


Thanks for your reply Veekay!

Completely agree with you on the Kar 98k, the Mosin 1938 and the Arisaka rifle. As for the Allies, I am a bit in between the M1903 USMC and the Enfield P14; both seem to be viable options

My picks:

Mannlicher m93 (the stalingrad one)
carcano mod 38
enfield p14
arisaka type 38 rifle
mosin m91 dragoon

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Lebel :grin:

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I unfortunately only have one single pre-merge Manlicher M93… :frowning:

pick one with good sights, and then look for reload speed and firerate

pretty much all that matters

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The Springfield 1903 with its incredible sights and champion muzzle velocity. The funny part is that’s the one you get with your soldiers. BiS bolt action :partying_face:

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