Best and worst map in the Game

In your opinión which map is the Best and which is the worst in the Game and why? Take in count this factors i Made

Ambience: the map makes You feel into the real battlefield

Desing: how are the buildings and capture points places and if there are not sweetlords spots which ruins the experience

Gameplay: the way to play the map like if is a Open field which means that med-long range combat Will be dominant or if CQB Style dominates

I really liked (old) confrontation on tunisia moisture farms
Kinda hate steel mill and some configurations of berlin

Usually it’s a really braindead grayzone design or crappy rally point spots (too few, too obvious) that make me hate a map

I enjoy most of them tbh, but Airfield sucks as defender.

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The french village map is the best because it’s simply fun to run building to building and clear out the enemy one at a time as you push for objective

Airfield and the hole map. Both are extremely repetitive, and Airfield starting at the three hangars is either one of the hardest objectives to push onto, or one of the hardest to defend. There is absolutely no in between on that objective and I really just don’t understand it in the slightest

I love most map but man I do like Berlin but absolutely hate confrontation there, it a gray zone camp mess on the river side

Least favorite is Tractor factory as I seem to suck the most playing that map. Normandy, not that I hate the map, but the fact that it is always a butt kicking, just depends on which side of the kicking your on. :yum:

Honorable mention, is any map where a control point is a pile of rubble. Who in their right mind would make a capture point a pile of rubble? Dark Force, that’s who!.. I mean, why can’t we fight over a building instead of a pile of rubble that used to be a building? :rofl: Honestly, I cannot imagine General Patton, Rommel or Monty ordering his men to seize control of a rubble pile.

Omer is the perfect map. It has enough cover for infantry so they can build rallies in safe spaces and ambush tanks but it also has wide streets with only small amount of debris which makes tanker experience great. The map has open areas such as the park that help pilots and snipers but also lots of close quarters fights for assaulters and flametroopers. The greyzones of the map are well placed making spawn camping rarely an problem and the objectives are balanced. I also love urban combat and i think omer does it the best way possible

Quarry is the worst map without a question. Half of the objectives are open areas that have zero cover making defending them painful. I almost never see anybody on the objectives in this map just because how horrible it is. Most of the players on this map either hop on a tank or a cannon so they can farm infantry down in the quarry from the safety of their greyzone. Planes are also totally busted along with tanks. The map design encourages camping because the objectives are so ass to defend/attack and the map also looks ugly as hell and doesnt resemble an realistic ww2 battleground for me. Like why would the red army and germans fight for some big crater in the ground? Also i get this map way too often compared to other moscow maps

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Worst: Kahlif caves. It has too much SWTOR/TF2 ambience. They also mistook the Sahara for Tunisia, which seems to be a basic blunder off the get -go.
Runners up: Steel and train
Best: Any Moscow map. The mist and detail are outstanding. If they put that mist in Ardennes or whatever they call it, things would be better. The weather in Stalingrad wasn’t so sunny either.
Runners up: Normandy maps.
Best new maps that doesn’t exist: Burma for BR1-5, Manchuria BR1-5, so much potential there.

I like airfield, but its big tru
It just depends on which team actually runs into the cap zone - as once you overpower people inside its almost impossible to clear again, as you can hide in all nooks and crannies and up the walkways

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Reverse quarry makes me go bald. That map wasn’t designed to be played that way - half the points simply don’t have any sensible spots for rallies with how the grayzone is laid out

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They all suck or are mediocre at best.
Best is probably Fort. District excluding tank spawns which are too easily campable.
Worst is either D-Day or the Tatooine Map (only because the AI seems to give up even trying to be usefull).

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Love fortified district in moscow
hate gavutu in pacific

Manor Assault is pure trash - I leave this map every time it appears.

I have done so for the past year. Every single time.

I really like Tunisia as a whole, but that Tatooine map is truly terrible.

Depends. There some shitty starts for Attackers on the Military Castle Base, where Defenders can easily camp the Attackers at the left wall at their way to the CP.

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Oh yes also increadibly terrible

A number of the old Normandy maps don’t work for both infantry and vehicles. They have rough terrain and narrow pathways which impedes vehicles from leading a successful push to the objective whilst simultaneously bottling infantry into killzones from enemy rifle and MG fire. There is also the incessant use of tall grassy plains which is a killing field for rockets and bombs dropped from aircraft whilst supporting an unproductive camper style of play for both sides