Berlin objective inside the Reichstag!

In Berlin Campaign the closest objective we have to the reichstag building is outside in the front, please change the objective from outside to inside the building!


currently not in the game.

but you can try a modded version made by @124138805 here:

( and judging how things goes, doesn’t look like it’s gonna be a priority any time soon. as they have in mind other campaign and the merge thingy beside, the new pacific map looks like has been the thing that they have worked on and delivers upon the new update )


i want my kriegsmarine


You don’t wanna play here

Although okay, despite the emptiness, the geometry of the Reichstag itself is cool even now.

In two years they have literally changed nothing in the Reichstag, so they probably don’t even want to bother with it. Although they could use the same dino mod for faster refinement.


Germany will still win

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