Been grinding out Berlin Axis and wondering if the FG 42 II was worth waiting for to spend my silver and bronze orders on, or if I should just stick with the first FG 42 you unlock
fg42 II has a better sight and less recoil, IMO is superior to the fg 42
the weapon handle the same, fg42II has only less recoil, however full star the fg42 is a better choice if you dont want grind the (pain in the ass) 3 man radio squad 2 for less recoil , anyway both weapon are good even stock
The Pattern One is a fantastic weapon, but the Pattern Two is far and away the best gun in the game.
I just waited for second pattern.
Just had the same quandary and ended up going for fg42 II even thou it required a upgrading the radio II squad to get the weapons maxed out.
I would guess that the silver and bronze you will have spent on FG-42 by the time you unlock FG-42 II and fully upgrade the weapon tree in Radio 3 squad will be more than compensated over the course of this playtime.
Damn thanks for all the answers guys!
Was probably gonna go with the first FG, as what @gastanofrizzi (gastonofrizzi) said: I’m not very keen on grinding out the radioman 2 squad.
But I am a real stickler for good sights, and after @38883009 (mortebianca) brought up sights, I looked at gameplay footage and I think I much prefer the sight style of the FG 42 II. I’ll still give the first FG a try with the free one you get, but I’ll probably wait it out for the second FG.
@Veekay45 I’ve been playing both factions on all campaigns, so my weapons orders are kinda stretched thin sadly
the first fg has nothing wrong is still agood weapon, if you have many silver orders you can equip it to who needs it.
but the fg 42 II is basically an AR in my experience it basically has no dispersion the Effective range is about 25M/30M and its an amazig gun.
I like the fg42 II more than the fg42
Same dispersion only less recoil, a full star fg42 has the same performance of a full star fg42II (the second one keep have less recoil however), but is more a choice of preference between the two
that why i said in my experince, i have the feeling that my bullets go exactly where i aim with the fg42II
I would use at least a few silver orders to get one to two squads equipped with the FG42 and then dump the rest on the FG42 II.
They are both formidable guns and will be needed in late game Berlin.
That being said, I still use fully upgraded G43s as it has been a very reliable gun for me in my 1K Berlin games thus far.
FG42II is the best infantry rifle hands down
With a massive power gap between 1st and 2nd
Makes the FG 42 look like an absolute joke
real chads use G43s
I prefer the regular FG42. Better sights for me than the II