Berlin: Allies V Axis

Hello my friends and fellow Enlisted players and compatriots.

I bring to you all a proposition to bring a campaign that is very feasible and relatively realistic that can bring some added benefits and balance to BR.5 for Allies and Axis, as well as harp on some of the current Soviet V Axis gameplay.

The end of the European conflict was a brutal and absolutely chaotic, devastating and disastrous period where the war was being fought so rapidly and aggressively that soldiers in retreat were behind enemy lines while standing still!
We have seen combat footage on top of the history and encounters of battles, encounters and never before seen situations that have impressed us as historians, WW2 enthusiasts and everyone in between. The battle of Cologne Germany was one that the world did not prepare for, yet took the Germans by their own horns!

Near the end of the war, we saw an increase of combat with weapons that are mostly present in game, but for the Allies and Axis some additions would be nice to see, and some would be merely suggestions to a tech tree. I wish to see the addition of a Boeing B-29 Super Fortress for the US faction and to see the M26 Pershing make its presence known to Axis players. Some other vehicles and variants of vehicles currently in game would also be a very nice addition to the vehicle gameplay. (I know this is an infantry gam, but vehicles and/with infantry is, was and always will be a winning combo for games and real conflicts)

I believe that adding the allied western front and bringing it to ā€œBerlinā€, or cities near ā€œBerlinā€, those of which were at the end of the European conflict, I.E Cologne, Frankfurt, DĆ¼sseldorf, Essen, Leipzig, Hanover, Hamburgā€¦ Nearing Berlin more so: Potsdam, Teltow, Hennigsdorf and Falkensee. These cities can be filled and created using pre-existing in game assets as well as new as seats of need be.
The purpose of my suggestion is for a new location, additional vehicles and equipments that could be possible, but mostly and primarily my main reason is the addition and justification of late war weapons, equipment and vehicles. As mentioned before, those vehicles could be added, and some vehicles I would love to see also would be the:
Allies: B-25 J Mitchell, B-29 Super Fortress. The
P-51D. M26 Pershing. The M8 Greyhound (free version). Willyā€™s Jeep (with or M18/20) and maybe another transport vehicle or APC.
Weapons: M18 Recoilless rifle or M20 Recoilless rifle. (Could be used on the jeep or handheld).
(tbh I donā€™t think other weapons need to be added, I just wanted to separate my vehicles from weapons)

As for the Axis, we would see the same ā€œBerlinā€ clothing options and uniforms, Volk squads and maybe some ā€œNormandyā€ uniforms (from the campaign) because they would be fitting for the settings/areas.
The vehicles the Germans could be given would consist of:
He 177 Greif bomber plane for ā€œlast ditchā€ strategic bombing runs on allied positions and convoys. Me 264 (long range bomber) that could unleash some very heavy bombing runs and allow the axis to clear up lost ground. The Me 262 jet fighter would be a powerful fighter against the allied air power. The Henschel Jagtiger (I know it wasnā€™t used much in Berlin but it would be used in other citiesā€™s conflicts until the end). Sd.kfz.222 light armored car with a small cannon, 20mm preferably (same one that engineers build).
As for weapons: I would like to see the 88mm Flak cannon.

As for both of these factions, I believe that both of these vehicles and variants of themselves balance each other out and they will be very fun to play and use! I believe the addition of more engineer structures and buildables would be advantageous for both sides because as it is now, there is very basic (yet good) things to construct. If it was possible to build brick walls to some degree, or build a M18/88Flk would be extremely fun and game changing. Again, I personally believe these vehicles would be/could be balanced against one another.

I mentioned an additional T-6/BR6 because of the serious effects and destruction that could be brought to the battlefield by such vehicles, some of which, the Bombers both Axis and Allies would be put into T-6 for some and BR5 for others but they would still be usable by someone in BR6 if they are in that Tier queue. It would allow the higher BR players to have a ā€œexperienced players onlyā€ arena without hindering the gameplay of new players or veteran players who do not wish to be in the queue. Maybe the BR6/T6 idea isnā€™t any good, I donā€™t know, I believe that in theory it would work very well, but again to be fair, it may not work in practiceā€¦ BR6/T6 would only play against
T-6/BR6 and T5/BR5. BR5 allies and axis can hold their own as it is currently in game now, with the addition of a higher BR/T, the higher BR would alleviate some of the pressure from the Tiger II and the use of some of the allied equipments and planes as they are now.

These are just my thoughts and suggestions. I have written this post over a 3 day period because I wanted to be sure about my thoughts. These are my own thoughts and opinions, I wish to have a good discussion with you all!
Thank you for your time reading.



This is how they constructed the Ardennes region, utilizing existing materials.

Houses in Moscow, Stalingrad, Berlin, Tunisia and Pacific all have their own characteristics, but Aden and Normandy are the same. Itā€™s no wonder that in the replay system, the Battle of Ardennes is part of the Invasion of Normandy.

So of course, Imo they are definitely going use the existing materials from the Battle of Berlin in the future to construct some new maps of the Western Front.


I can understand that you want to add these war beasts to make the game more fun, but you donā€™t realize what Enlisted is really missing.

We have no shortage of maps, vehicles and weapons, although the maps are very similar, we are all crowded to fight in a very small area. As for vehicles, we already have Tiger 2H, FW190 D12, P47, in addition to the American camp and the Japanese camp Enlisted is not incomplete without a vehicle that matches the capabilities of the Tiger 2H. And we already have many experimental weapons that have never been fielded in history and an unprecedented firepower density (the firepower of the Vietnam War was only comparable to this)

The ardennes buildings are actually different. From inside they are copies of normandy but from outside you can see that the walls have different colours and the roof designs are different.

There are still a lot of copied stuff like the la perelle barn, seelow bunkers, normandy church, and some normandy buildings too.

The map features 2 completely unique buildings: the town hall and the railway station


canā€™t wait for the battle of aechen, more of the sigfried line, and more in german towns maps for the allies vs axis.

( which means more volkssturm appearances :disguised_face: )

not on board with Tier 6 stuff though.


[quote=ā€œMissingMayhem13, post:1, topic:135207ā€]
B-29 Super Fortress
[/quote] Then the A bomb can finally be added

what thisļ¼Ÿ

Adding strategic bombers does not sound fun for anyone involvedā€¦
Their payload just might be a bit oppressive.
While the current JU188 might already be bad but if you get planes with even better payload you just make everything else worse.
Just imagine how much a the JU with 30 50kg bombs could do.

The B-29 might be busted on another levelā€¦
From wikipedia
56 Ɨ AN-M57GP (113 kg)
or 12 Ɨ AN-M65GP (454 kg)
This plane might be BR 12 but not even close to balanced in current BR.

I thought the volkssturm battalions fought mainly against the soviets.
Because at that time, the Western Front was more or less non-existent. The Germans were just running west to surrender, except for a few fanatics. And the Volksturm were the scapegoats to keep the Soviets at bay as long as possible.

So in campaigns against allies I wouldnā€™t want to see volksturm ā€œcamosā€ very often. Although, in Enlisted, you can be premium volksturm in tunisia, thatā€™s true.


not at all.

first appearance of the volkssturm ( that is, documented ) against the western allies were in the battle of aechen.

1944 .

and the more the allied went deep in germany across and around the rhine. more units were found. up to entire companies of volksstums.

but, most of them ( rightfully so ) surrended to the allied. orā€¦ to the soviets.

after all, more than 6 milions actually joined the volkssturm.
so, no. they werenā€™t only on the eastern front.

as it goes for enlisted,
considering year of things being made, we could ( should ) see more of the volkssturm in the battle of the bulge / ardenne offensive, battle of the rhine, andā€¦ technically even just randomic battles around germany, various towns etc.


If we do see more hopefully weā€™ll get actual civilian outfits like the 9 man Lebel squad, itā€™s a shame theyā€™re the only ones that actually look like civilians, now that weā€™re dipping into the late war western front (Battle of the Bulge) hopefully weā€™ll see more.

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The western allies did encounter more and more volksturm when they crossed the german border.
So in a way seeing volkstum on the western front is becoming more logical as the later stage gear is unlocked. But it would still be odd to see them defending some random beach of no importance somewhere in another country.


i was hoping more to see other type of volkssturm uniforms.

for example, more color variations, ( like, legit militar uniforms with correct collar tabs, hence more colorations, since they made those. )


or regular type of uniforms with just the armband

( custom madeā€¦ unfortunately )

and more m44s too:

as for the civilians oneā€¦ dunno.
i did bought the civis, but because one of the very few volkssturm squads.

actually yeah, more clothes for the editor too.


I would commit multiple crimes just to get the dunkelgrau uniform with the arm band, hell Iā€™d commit multiple crimes just to get more dunkelgrau outfits in general. Quite upsetting theyā€™re restricted to Normandy.

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I want firemen or police officers with volksturm armbands

and berlin snipers sometimes get grey uniforms