Beretta model 1938/s ,beretta with silencer



I’d love that, either as gold order weapon, or maybe even better in an event squad like the suppressed MP40.

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:eyes: :eyes:


I am surprised that there are guns/variations that have not yet been implemented in this game.
imfdb has a huge list and I thought all guns from the first half of the 20th century existed.

It was suggested a long time ago and I can’t wait to see it in game (as an event squad weapon it would be perfect)

here are some more pictures of the silencer


Thank you for those photos!

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Does anyone know the historical context for this silenced beretta? Was it used by Italian paras or something?

That’d be a great gun to have for the Italian paratroopers :ok_hand:t3:

Unfortunately I don’t have a photo from the front but it shouldn’t be anything special in terms of design

The weapon is located in the Aviotruppe museum in Pisa
unfortunately the information is very little (maybe the museum has something more)
as regards its use, I remember that silenced MABs are mentioned by the commander of the NP units Nino Buttazzoni in his book Solo per la bandiera: I Nuotatori Paracadutisti (Testimonianze fra cronaca e storia) ( Only for the flag: The Parachute Swimmers (Testimonies between news and history) ) where they were used for operations behind enemy lines


@_Movmav @Patton1998 new info!

A fellow player who isn’t on the forum, @ciollopode, contacted the museum where the Beretta 1938/S is exposed, and they agreed to share more pictures of the gun and the silencer in particular.

They also reported that the silencer is supposedly from 1942 or around there. They do not know if the suppressor required any particular limitation or modification to the shooting mechanism.

(As a personal opinion, I’d say that this silencer is evidently a quite crude prototype)

The following pictures are courtesy of the “Museo Storico delle Aviotruppe” (Airborne Troops Historical Museum) from Pisa, Italy.



now I also have all the photos I need to be able to build one in the future
do you also have any measurements? it would be very useful indeed

Eh, unfortunately not. Also because I’m not the one who talked to the museum directly.

Using the known dimensions of a MAB an approximate measurement could be made
but for now the photos are already a lot


yes please… make it so