Beretta M38 (early)

Early version of the Beretta M38 submachinegun made for the Ministry of Italian Africa.
Expulsion is upwards. The barrel is enclosed in a finned aluminium radiator sleeve.
It uses the 9mmM38 ammunition, a more powerful 9mm Parabellum (Beretta M38 (9mm M38)) The muzzle velocity is 430 m/s and the rate of fire is 600 rounds per minute.

pictures from Italian Small Arms of the First and Second World Wars
Beretta 38 early.PNG

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this weapon would be very good as a premium squad one, iā€™d love to use it

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Thank for another interesting Italian gun mate <3

Always fascinates me how many of these obscure ww2 weapons i never knew about. Perhaps if you find some from other nations post them up!

Also the barrel looks rather interesting reminds me of a dalek gun.

Thank you ^.^


You are very welcome!