Initially the Beretta M38 was issued with the powerful 9mm cartuccia pallottola Modello 38A similar to the 9x19mm Parabellum but with a greater firing velocity up to 420 m/s instead of 400 m/s.
What would you think of it being a variant to the normal 9x19 Parabellum Beretta M38 that we have in the game?

Military Small Arms magazine
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We need mote Italian guns in Tunisia. For sure
You got it wrong perhaps? That document only states that the rear sights could be adjusted up to 500m distance.
I presumed the rear sights are adjusted at 500 metres for the higher velocity of the 9mm M38 ammunition
it also tells that a special 9mm high velocity round was deveoped, but idk what is the standard round so 
the standard round for the Beretta M38 was the 9x19 Parabellum
I read that as “the rear sights could be adjusted for distances UP TO 500m”
For what we know, the mentioned new round could be the one we already have in game.
quite many countries had different 9mm rounds during ww2 aka smg & pistol rounds.
If I recall smg rounds shot with pistol caused issues sometimes, due to “smg round” being “hot load”
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Depends entirely on the ammo.
Ironically my Luger needs hot rounds, or it doesn’t always cycle the action properly.
No idea what variation of the Beretta we have but it would be nice to see it have higher damage at longer range.
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P08 ? Heard that quite often.
While similar but not same L-35 had exact opposite issues even breaking due to hot ammo.
you are right, I changed it