Beach Dead

Hey everyone! I’m working on a Zombies game mode that takes place on Normandy!

This is my first map! Also my first time using the Enlisted Mission Editor. I wanted to make a Normandy Zombies map that wasn’t a turkey shoot, where it’d be really easy for the Zeds to get right up to you no matter how much concrete you hide behind! I made it with many flanking routes in mind but with plenty of positions for the players to take shots at the zeds encroaching up the beach.

I didn’t want some realistic landing look for this map either. The idea was to make it look like something horribly wrong is happening and I find the Landing Boats piled on top of one another mixed with the dark lighting, soft glow of the flames and the unnatural eclipse in the sky to really lend to that super natural and dreadful atmosphere. (If only I knew how to make the water red. lol)

I haven’t got the core game mode set up yet, right now it’s all just lay out and design at the moment… I’m relatively new to this as mentioned earlier so it’ll be a bit before I can get this working and playable.


Whoops! The images in my original post didn’t embed. (I’m mostly new to these forums too. lol) Here’s some screen shots of what I cooked up!


Been running into issues with light sources disappearing randomly. I looked it up and found some vague approximations around the forums as to why this happens, such as breaking Rendinsts and such, BUT some times they just cease to exist after restarting the level. It’s particularly frustrating to put down light sources here and there just for them to cease existing on reload.

To note: I assumed there were too many light sources present on the existing normandy map, so I went ahead and removed them with scenery_remover, yet it still didn’t work.

I made sure that all destructible rendinsts were made indestructible as a precaution, (something I was already doing for objects I knew would break, like sandbags and the like.) But I still had the same issues. If anyone knows why this is happening, I’d love to know! Thanks. Updates real soon.

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It’s best to ask @Devenddar he could help you with this issue


It will happends even with scenery remover, because it’s removes rendinsts. You can use another light sources without this tag (base_spot_light & omni_light_lamppost_undestr). In Create Entity menu you can see tags:
Or you can use entities.blk and create your light source entity.


This is huge, thanks! I’ll give this method a try when I’m back home. While I have you here, would you be able to point me in the right direction for something? I want to make some of the wall buy weapons have different stats, like a 40 round Colt Monitor or a 100 round MG42 Early. How would I go about modifying weapon attributes?

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Using entities.blk you can edit/create templates. Probably code will looks like:








Almost same with Colt Monitor.

You can check these topics for a bit more info about entities: [Guide] Entity Modding (Entites.BLK)


Hey everyone! I had figured that I oughta show some progress! It’s coming along pretty well and I’m decently satisfied with the lay out and balance of the first area, minus some minor nitpicks I haven’t been able to correct yet. Take a look! There’s a huge focus on the scene building and atmosphere as well and I think it’s rather presentable:

Let me know what y’all think! Hoping to have play-tests real soon!

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Hey Devenddar! I finally got around to tinkering with firearms. (Got caught up with map design, lol.)

I couldn’t help but notice there isn’t any line in that example template that indicates magazine ammo count? Is there somewhere else I need to go to reference the magazine capacity for our extended magazine template here? I’m a little lost and not super code savvy, surely copying and pasting that wouldn’t work, right? Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it!

I’m not DEA but i can answer.

By default, gun_item guns come without ammo. You can add +gun_with_initial_ammo postfix to these weapons and set magazine count:




Hey everyone! On a bit of a pause here for the time being as things have came up that restrict my ability to dedicate time to this irl. I’ll get it done, don’t worry, AND it won’t be a terribly huge pause! Still struggling with a lot of things in the project despite the wonderful help of @Bazsi37 and @Devenddar, who have been tremendous help!

The version one map layout right now is pretty set in stone right now, and once I finally add a few medic boxes and the random box, I (hope) it’ll be good to go for an early alpha release. I’ll keep you all posted! Thanks so to those who’ve shown interest in Beach Dead so far!

Hey everyone! Been a while! Finally got some time and am in the last stretch of getting an alpha out! Hopefully (don’t hold your breath) I’ll be getting an alpha out today and will launch a lobby! We’ll see!