Battles on test server

I also wonder about the portrait you can receive for participating in “three battles” on the test server. Does the battles have to be in squads mode (with real players), or custom battles mode (with AI soldiers). Or does both count.

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3 squad battles do count as far as I am aware of. The Portrait will be issued a couple of weeks after the official release.

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Yep, and once you complete those 3 battles, notification announcing you’ll get the portrait will appear. You can even use it on test server immediately.

But you have to wait if you want it on live server.

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That’s pretty much it.

Iirc it’s only squad battles, you’ll have to wait 1/2 weeks after the test server is over to receive your portrait on the normal server.

Thanks. I’ve did a lot of custom battles in the battle of Berlin as the Soviet side, well over three, but I didn’t receive the portrait yet. I can try some squad battles now with real players. I hope this merge update comes soon on the main server.

I got the portrait on the test server

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Yeah, you needed to play classic squads. Sorry for not mentioning it, I hope you didn’t wasted too much time.

All you need to do now is wait and after some time the portrait should appear on classic ever. :slight_smile: I hope you do like it.

It would be on the main server as long as I got it on the test server.

Yes. :purple_heart:

Was there a delay? I did 3 squads on test server and got nothing.

honestly not that bothered…but I did do my 3

I am not quite sure what do you mean.

If you mean this notification didn’t appear and you didn’t get portrait on test server, that’s just weird.

Bur if you mean you didn’t get portrait on live server, that’s okay. We must wait several weeks for it.

Didnt get it “on the test server”.

I waited for a minute or 2 then quit. will check again tonight. but did not get.

have done 3 battles (for certain)…1 moscow and 2 x Tunisia

That’s weird, but you can always contact support if you are sure you have done 3 battles and did not get anything.

yeah thanks. Im not too bothered. maybe Ill do one more anyway and call it a day

Consider this :+1: as like.

because reasons

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