Battlepass VS Premium Account

I am trying to decide which one of these is my best option. I was hoping some more experienced players could give me the full scoop on each one and which one they would choose or prefer and why

well battlepass is basically infinite once you got it so i choose that beside most people (that i seen on forum) said to buy the 365 day premium account on sale (if there is a sale)

other people can put their reason too you know? dont have to leave me hanging here


The Elite BP is decent as it gives you back the gold as you complete it, so it therefore becomes “free” from then on when you purchase each Elite BP, as long as you complete each one, of course.

Premium time is more of an investment in the long run, in both time and money. But as Noktin mentioned, it does go on sale, and when they drop the 365 premium time sale, it’s incredibly cheap.

Personally, I’d go for the Elite BP for now, but wait for next season as this one ends soon, and wait for the Premium time to go on sale.


Ultimately, it’s all relative.

Definitely wait for the new BP to start for sure. I think there’s a calculation in there somewhere that as long as you have like 25 days left or something and can do all the tasks each day, then it’s worth it to buy the next one. Obviously with six days left, no chance of that.

I think the premium, even at $48/year is still a good deal. I got it for 50%, I think, at the last sale and from what I hear, there are a couple a year - in May (May Day) and Christmas.

Above, when I say relative, it depends if $24 or $48 is a lot of money to you. It’s about the price of a regular video game these days, and most single player games you finish far faster than a year. So, I think it gives good value.

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BP has much lesser value than year Premium account, but it is as well much more cheaper.

Premium account is always going to be superior just because of more squad slots unlocked. There’s nothing more important than squad slots.

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Is there a price difference in buying a premium account with gold as opposed to going online and buying a premium account on the shop?

I think the premium time on sale is bought with gold. As far as I know they don’t put gold on sale. I might be wrong with that though.

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BP is the better investment by far. Preemie Time is a scam

Define this “sale” you speak of. Lol

They offer discounts on premium time every now and then. Usually costs gold though. I’m surprised you’re not already aware of this.

Well he is on console and most of the forum know that console don’t usually get sale due to Microsoft or something like that (I’m not sure but it relates to the console company I think)

And they don’t even get to test the dev server that sometimes happens

the APCs wasnt in discount until now…

Buy Battlepass when we start a new season in a few days. And for Premium wait for sale it’s ~$20 for a year.

Which one? The lvt and jap one? I still didn’t see those on discount on pc yet

you usually have discount for premium time 2 times per year(may and november) where you get year of premium for 20$. if you have lots of stuff to unlock it is a better buy. if you want gold orders then BP is better.

I have both. Premium mostly because of the additional squad slot, BP is self-financed when you play regularly. As I grinded and unlocked everything, not sure how beneficial it is going to be in future

Console gaming my guy