Battle total noob player

The battle is total broken always play alone with 9 noob or bot vs 10 nerd player lose hope


Join BRII.
Fun fun fun fun.


I also have br 2 but guys I don’t want to be polemical but it has become total chaos playing a game people don’t have the slightest idea what to do they’re all riding a vehicle and no one is useful to the victory it’s so frustrating that I get over it I now want to create a rallying point, it’s like being beatified by the church, people, useless players, sometimes I actually find myself facing 6/7 real organized players most of the time, while 90% of the time I’m the only one playing seriously, I’m fed up, they said that the campaigns were full of bots but now it’s worse than before, truly scandalous

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Not sure where you’re playing, but the North American server in the BR2 bracket is very competitive. The new Steam players are starting to catch up.

Tonight I think I went 2 wins vs. 4 losses and I don’t think a single time did the other side outnumber us with higher ranked players. (I played Americans and Russian) I did run into one match where at least a few of the Germans had BR3 (flame throwers) - but it was a crappy map as well - but the Germans had a lot fewer of the skilled/veteran players and still won.

A lot depends on when you play, what server you’re on, what bracket you’re in, what maps pop up. SO many variables on whether you end up in a good match or not. I’m actually starting to feel sympathy for Darkflow in how complex this stuff is.


I usually use all servers but
I noticed that there are variables depending on the time of day and since it arrived on Steam the level of newbies has increased dramatically then I don’t know if it’s my impression but it seems to me that the game perceives that you are alone and not in a team with someone and puts you alone to captain 9 newbies when you open the ranking with tab you see that you are the only marshal against 10 marshals it happens often very often no one helps you the new players in my opinion should not be implemented immediately in battle with veterans but they should have separate queues with a series of tutorials to be followed before being thrown into battle because they are literally a cancer, hateful to say the least without counting the people who sit 24 hours a day on the tank or plane without destroying even an enemy vehicle furthermore we are in the midst of total anarchy, chaos, madness, the game has no precise rules

I agree with you! :wink: I too wish they’d do a better job of either having marshals (or gold ranked) players vs. the same.

But, rank isn’t everything. Some will tell you it doesn’t mean anything, which isn’t true - BUT - as mentioned, once some of these newer players get over the learning curve, I’ve seen them get extremely competitive.

I don’t often screenshot my losses…well, sometimes when the “gold ranked” far outnumber the noobs, but it’s happened less and less since Steam launched and the recent match making changes from 3ish weeks ago. I DO see a fair number on my server/bracket (low tier) and play time (EDT), where it’ll be my son and I in a match with ALL the rest being noobs. (Again, that Steam impact, IMO).


One little point about that Russian vs. German match - despite being a losing effort - was impressed that the Russian players hung with an OBVIOUSLY losing match on a horrible map. (It’s basically the Russian D-Day map). A lot less deserters. Even when losing. I know it’s just one match, but I thought it was cool. :slight_smile:

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these are balanced matches that have often happened to me lately, for example I am with 5000/6000 points and the second with 650 points

here is your problem. use servers only for your region. otherwise you will be put into matches in off peak hours for server on other side of the world. you will face 2vs8 people cause there are not enough players in middle of night playing enlisted on that server.

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This doesn’t look like fun, it was Soviets of BR3 torturing us (BR2 team) for 30mins.

Yet you got 149 kills and almost 8000 points! Are you being sarcastic here? I mean, you had almost even numbers of “gold ranked” players (but yes, a marshal on the other side) and no one even deserted.

I don’t love it when one side gets BR3 weapons either, I admit. But, I do really enjoy the knockdown/drag out fights where the victory is in question until the last few seconds.

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We got stuck completely at the 2nd twin cap point for 20mins unable to cap and hold two points at once. Nobody left because we knew we will lose so we decided to grind some kills.

I really wish there would be a lock of a point after you captured it once so enemies wouldn’t able to recap it instantly, they also have more favourable map with much better rally/apc points.

Having to cap two at once with such tryhards is just impossible you can only grind score and try to destroy as many tanks and rallies (and each had at least 5 fking mines) and i just give up on winning and decided to make it as miserable for those tryhards as possible.

And my next match looked like this (BR2 JP):

Every match is a stomp now at BR2 you don’t really see even matches.

From the grammar on display, I assume you’re playing while the Chinese are getting ready for supper. Sorry about your timezone bro

Yeaaaah. While I like the variety of the maps available and how they re-use the same terrain over and over again, and I swear, every fews, I’m like “damn, never seen the map quite like this before…”

I do wonder if it’s a randomizer algorithm and they haven’t gotten very good at weeding out the very obviously one sided maps. (Like the one I linked above where we had a clear advantage in skill players and still lost b/c the map was horrible - even their BR3 players were a minor nuisance compared to the map itself.)

So, I have a kind of love/hate for how they are doing it now. The variety is AWESOME - but, yeah, sometimes, even in winning, you realize that it’s just wasting everyone’s time in a ROFLSTOMP. Other times, the defender has a huge advantage (as in the one you played in) and other times the attacker does (most of the time).

It may just be that they put the easy to defend ones in the game to make it so the game isn’t so weighted for the attacker all the time?

Stranger things and all that.

I don’t know what faction you play, but when I play with my allies entire BR1 squads, which would put me in BR 1-2 I have some of the most hard fought competitive games. Some lately have been somewhat intense so I have had to go back to playing level 5 allies to relax. :rofl:

Seriously though, BR 1 has been good for me with the allies as far as competitive games, and my BR 2 squads have fared a little better, especially my BR2 Russian squads. BR 5 has not been as competitive lately,. The bad thing is that there are a lot of vets that are playing the lower levels as well, including myself, but I don’t stray much lower then BR 1-3 very often, so I am not in the BR 1-2 as much…To many Marshalls. :rofl: